From Gay pressure groups have accused an “ex-gay” organisation of “inviting child abuse” after claiming children with gender identity issues should be exposed to bullying. A coalition of organisations monitoring groups claiming to convert gay people back to heterosexuality,…
Gender Roles
Both NARTH and the Tradititional Values Coalition have published summaries/reactions to a story in The Advocate titled “Life in the T Zone – With the aid of testosterone, biological women are expanding the old ideas of male and female. But…
AgapePress / Bob Knight Confuse Sex And Gender
The AgapePress begins with apples: Students looking to enter the Harvard Business School MBA program are asked to fill out an online profile that offers three choices of gender: female, male, or transgender. And then talks to Bob Knight about…
When Focus goes after transgender issues it’s both sad and comical how little they appear to know. This time they’re all worked up about a transgenderd 5 year old beginning kindergarden in Broward County, Florida. From Family News In Focus…
Lungi Offending mannequins Article 8’s two primary gripes with the Macy*s mannequins appear to be: “Very bizarre. One mannequin is wearing what looks like some of rainbow skirt. And when was the last time you saw male store mannequins with…
In Monday’s (05/08/06) Focus On The Family broadcast Dobson throws out a new term not even Google has a clinical definition for called “detachment and differentiation.” This supposedly describes the process by which a young boy separates from the mother…
Today’s guest is Jerry Leach, a former pre-op MTF transsexual. Translation: He was about to have gender reassignment surgery but decided not to and now goes around peddling his comical ideas about gender conformity to others. In my excerpt Jerry…
More gender expression obsession to be had on Benett’s show today courtesy of guest Christine Sneeringer, Executive Director of Worthy Creations: (+22:45) Christine: God is God, I am not, and that he made me and he made my gender. And…
Last weekend I braved the heterosexual-gridlock on the Sunset Strip to see Transamerica. In keeping with Pat “take him out” Robertson’s logic God was clearly angered I saw such an evil movie and struck me ill with a cold the…
There is much that one might find wrong with the fashion industry — superficiality, materialism, runaway consumption, impractical and overpriced designs, and overrepresentation of New York and LA cultural influences. A sensible critique of the industry’s ethics by a social…