-The Puerto Rico Senate passes an anti-discrimination bill. The House follows suit. -A gay man is murdered in New York City. -President Francois Hollande signs marriage equality into law in France. -A Florida teenager is expelled and charged with a…
Breaking: Boyscouts Lift Ban on Gay Scouts
Jeremy Hooper is reporting at Good As You that the Boy Scouts of America have voted by a large margin to lift their ban on accepting gay scouts. The ban remains on gay adults, scoutmasters, etc. Welcome (partially) to the…
Gay Psychiatrist Named Head of APA
According to the Washington Blade, “Dr. Saul Levin, who last year became the first openly gay head of the D.C. Department of Health, was named on May 15 as the new chief executive officer and medical director of the American…
Restored Hope Network coordinator Anne Paulk posted the following to Facebook overnight: I am always amazed at the people this topic attracts to our page. Some people who do not believe in God are drawn to come to our page…
Discuss: Who Are the Real Ex-Gay ‘Antinomians’
The legalist ex-gays of the Restored Hope Network have been using Facebook to lob charges of “antinomianism” against Exodus International, fomenting gossip and schism within the ranks of RHN members’ former parent organization. “Antinomianism” is a pejorative label that is used by…
XGW Digest: May 18, 2013
-A Russian man is brutally murdered for being gay. -A transgender woman in Hong Kong wins the right to marry her boyfriend. -A gay couple is savagely attacked in Cyprus. -Minnesota becomes state #12. -Queer Rising plans a rally to…
Movie: God Loves Uganda
From director Roger Ross Williams, comes a movie about the devastating effect of the descent of Evangelicals from the West on Uganda. XGW readers will be well familiar with the “Kill the Gays Bill” which came out of interventions in…
…is what anti-gay / ex-gay activists Michael Brown (left) and Arthur Goldberg (right) would have you believe. Anti-gay activist and “ex-gay” advocate, Michael Brown, had a little chat with, Arthur Goldberg — of the “ex-gay” conversion therapy group JONAH — “Jews Offering…
Revised to include response from the Business Insider. Until the latest nascent campaign against Abercrombie & Fitch took root, the retailer had suffered from a prolonged period of lousy sales (Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal) as youths flocked to hipper, fresher,…
Please Excuse the Mess
Over the next week, XGW will be changing a bit so don’t be surprised if something looks amiss. After we are done there will be a chance to submit feedback if things aren’t working. After that, you should notice a…