An excerpt from Dan Savage’s New York Times op-ed February 10, 2006 titled “Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Ex-Gay Cowboys.” Straight audiences are watching and loving “Brokeback Mountain” — that’s troubling to evangelical Christians who have invested…
Last weekend I braved the heterosexual-gridlock on the Sunset Strip to see Transamerica. In keeping with Pat “take him out” Robertson’s logic God was clearly angered I saw such an evil movie and struck me ill with a cold the…
Exgay Chad Thompson Reviews ‘Brokeback’
Chad Thompson, operator of Des Moines, Iowa-based Inqueery, has written a new review of Brokeback Mountain. Read it here. Thompson is also marketing his latest DVD release, Bringing Christian Love Out of the Closet.
A Tenable Belief: ‘Brokeback’ And Gay Marriage
In mid-January, CNN’s Larry King Live aired a four-person discussion of Brokeback Mountain and marriage for gay persons. The guests were Janet Parshall and Albert Mohler speaking for the religious right, and Chad Allen and Casper, Wyo., councilman Guy Padget…
Questioning ‘It’s Not Gay’
On the Exodus e-mail support list for antigay parents, a number of participants have been promoting the exgay-activist video It’s Not Gay. They say it features “excellent,” factual information from “medical and mental health experts.” They say it proves the…
From Greg McCandless, via e-mail: I’m only a recent visitor to your website but found that you had recently addressed Gary Schneeberger’s column on the Focus on the Family’s website regarding his recent revelation that he had been acting “morally…
Andrew Seely ministers to youth at a Presbyterian church in California. His review of Brokeback Mountain was published at, a Christian publication by and for young adults. Titled “Finding God on Brokeback Mountain,” Seely opens with: Please do not…
Readers who tire of imaginative Exodus propaganda about Brokeback Mountain are invited to read David Ben-Ariel’s commentary, Brokeback Mountain Blues: Thoughts of a celibate, gay Christian. Ariel’s analysis is antigay (as I define the term) but his observations are practical…
The exgay political network Exodus capitalizes on the commercial success of Brokeback Mountain with a Jan. 16 press release seeking media interviews. While the movie realistically conveys the anguish of same-sex-attracted cowboys in the U.S. heartland, Chambers complains that recent…
God forbid anyone else in the religious right should top Stephen Bennett’s outrageousness on any given issue, he provided some recent thoughts on the Golden Globes: “Hollywood has sunk to an all-time moral low. I guess 2006 will be known…