As ugly and vicious as Iris Robinson’s attacks on gays were, I cannot say I take much pleasure in joining the media to expose the details of her adulterous affair. But the main issue here is one of moral authority….
A formidable, moving and excellently reasoned argument for marriage equality by Senator Diane Savino of New York: Hat-tip: James McGrath of Exploring Our Matrix.
James Dobson, the evangelical founder of Focus on the Family, is cutting ties with the organization after more than 30 years. He stepped down as Chairman earlier this year, and last Friday announced that he would also be quitting as…
Randy Thomas over at the Exodus blog has called for prayers for those participating in the National Equality March. His goal is to “generate prayer” by spreading word through the blog. He is praying for the following things: For True…
The parents of Bryce Faulkner have spoken to Fox News to deny allegations that their 23-year-old son is being coerced into attending an ex-gay program. Friends of Bryce, a 23-year-old medical student who graduated this year, say he was happily…
Where Is Bryce?
Friends of a gay medical student from Arkansas are anxious amid claims that he has been forced into a Florida ex-gay program. Bryce Faulkner, 23, has not been in touch with boyfriend Travis Swanson since 15 July. Swanson says their…
The pastor of a Connecticut Pentecostal church in the news for performing an exorcism on a gay teen told CNN that her church is not against homosexuality. “We do not hate [homosexuals]. We do not come up against them….
On an episode of the 700 Club, a mother called in to ask how to handle having a gay son. Host Pat Robertson responded by declaring that “most” homosexuals are now same-sex attracted because of a previous abusive relationship, and…
Ex-gay proponents Joseph Nicolosi, Arthur Goldberg and Jeffrey Satinover are in London today for the Sex & the City conference organized by Anglican Mainstream, the publishers of the tired, homophobic polemic God, Gays and the Church. On BBC Radio Five…
Gays to Protest London Ex-Gay Conference
Over 100 activists have pledged to join a protest in London on Saturday, when reparative therapist Dr Joseph Nicolosi (pictured) addresses conservative Christians at the Sex & the City Conference. Nicolosi will be joined by NARTH colleague Jeffrey Satinover and…