On his personal blog, Exodus spokesman Randy Thomas today issued a clarification to his official comments, quoted by Focus on the Family, blaming gays as a class for apathy and irresponsibility in the battle against AIDS. Thomas says he was…
Classical Values: A Homosexual Morality?
Eric at Classical Values adds to an already lively debate on morality: Are gays amoral souls who need monitoring by heterosexual morality police, or have many gays been acting morally and preaching personal responsibility all along? Late last week, Randy…
Salt Lake City police, frustrated that constant arrests did not noticeably deter men cruising public park restrooms for sex, collaborated with public health officials, gay community leaders, and government officials. The results, as told by Deseret News, are worth a…
A followup on two XGW messages on AIDS earlier this week. Focus on the Family asserted on Tuesday that homosexuals should fight HIV/AIDS through abstinence alone. Focus frowns on the use of condoms as a fallback when abstinence fails. In…
FRC Promotes Closets That Contribute to AIDS
In browsing Google News today, I found a handful of articles linking high risk of HIV infection to closeted and homophobic same-sex-attracted populations (and their spouses) living in isolation from openly gay communities and safer-sex education efforts. In other words,…
New Zealand Ex-Gays At High Risk of HIV/AIDS?
A New Zealand news site reports on a survey finding that men resembling the ex-gay profile — “men who were isolated [from other gays] or too scared to come out and identify as gay” — were highly likely to practice…
Montana “Christians” on Gay Reality TV
Julie Millam, executive director of the Montana Family Coalition, says “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” should not be on TV: “To me, that’s not a reality show about gay people,” Millam told the Billings Gazette. “A really good reality…
Ex-Gay Minister’s AIDS-Cure Appeal
Previous discussion of this ex-gay ministry. From: “Matthew C. Manning” Reply-To: newsletter@matthewcmanning.com Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 04:06:12 -0400 (EDT) Subject: MatthewCManning.com FREE VIDEO COUPON Free Video Coupon Would you like to receive Pastor Matthew C. Manning’s video documentary for…
From the Express Gay News in South Florida: The ‘Ex-Gay’ Coverup, Aug. 18, 2003 Besen, the author of Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth, told The Express that Johnston’s behavior is typical of ex-gays’…
The attorney for one of ex-gay activist Michael Johnston’s alleged victims wrote to XGW today: I wanted to say that I appreciate your web site and have been following the commentary on Michael Johnston’s “moral fall.” As the attorney who…