Despite the best efforts of activists, and political and social commentators, ignorance abounds concerning the atrocious Anti-Homosexuality Bill being proposed in Uganda at the moment. Among the myths being perpetrated are that the legislation is only there to protect the…
Hate Crimes – Free Speech
Today, the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams told the worldwide Anglican Communion that the “infamous legislation” now being discussed in Uganda was rightly received with “repugnance.” Meanwhile, the Anglican Church of Uganda released an official statement on the same…
US Anti-Gays Show Their True Colors
Peter Sprigg, the family values activist, has said that homosexuality should be criminalized. From The Advocate: Sprigg, a senior fellow for policy studies at the antigay [Family Research Council (FRC)], appeared on the program [Chris Matthews’ Hardball] to debate the…
Following a hearing yesterday, several members of Congress have written to the Presidents of the US and Uganda to protest the latter’s impending legislation to make homosexuality an executable offense. The US Government’s Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission heard evidence…
The US Government’s Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission will hold a hearing on the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill this afternoon. Over the course of 90 minutes, the TLHRC will hear evidence and testimony on the legal and humanitarian aspects of the…
Ugandan President Softening on Anti-Gay Bill?
The President of Uganda appears to have distanced himself from the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009, which would effectively introduce the death penalty for gays. President Museveni told members of the National Resistance Movement that the bill had not been proposed by…
Building on David Robert’s post on the Richard Cohen portion of The Rachel Maddow Show, Randy Thomas, Vice President of Exodus International, had some things to say about the exchange. Randy Thomas: I am going to share a review of…
Randy Thomas, Vice President of Exodus International: Freedom of speech which expresses a difference of opinion on morality and spirituality is not a crime. The following is a case of one of the hackneyed headless monsters that the anti-gay industry…
Malaysia Report: Transgender Day of Remembrance
Held on the 20th of November every year, this day is set to commemorate transgenders who have been killed due to discrimination, prejudice and hatred towards the community. It is also to raise awareness and act against the violence, brutality…
President Obama Signs Hate Crimes Act into Law
Today U.S. President Barack Obama signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Hate Crimes Act into law, adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the list of federally recognized classes. This is the fruition of 10 years of work for…