Following a hearing yesterday, several members of Congress have written to the Presidents of the US and Uganda to protest the latter’s impending legislation to make homosexuality an executable offense.
The US Government’s Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission heard evidence and testimony against the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill yesterday afternoon. Congress has responded by petitioning Presidents Barack Obama and Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on this “international human rights issue,” calling the bill “reprehensible,” and “the most extreme and hateful attempt by an African country to criminalize the LGBT community.”
Addressing President Museveni, they wrote:
This egregious bill, which represents one of the most extreme anti-equality measures ever proposed in any country, would create a legal pretext for depriving lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Ugandans of their liberty, and even their lives. We respectfully urge you to take swift action to prevent this law, which we are concerned could have a chilling effect both on human rights and on bilateral relations between our countries.
The full text of the letters, along with a press release, can be found at the website of Wisconsin Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin.
am completely against the gay community and even if it means creating broken bridges we shall take a stand and fight it. the bible talks about Sodom and Gomorrah. we are not going to allow this even in america now that it is normal.
I am dismayed by some People who think that we have to be put at ransom about their beliefs. What works elsewhere may not necessarily work for us in Uganda.
I may agree that the bill is too apprehensive about execution, the gays need help. In our society such acts and behaviour are not acceptable, if in some countries some things are forbidden in terms of eats or drinks thenwhy should we be pushed to accept what is contary to our beliefs.
No to GAYS in our country. Those who want them should give them asylum or VISAs to resettle there otherwise we shall forcefully rehabilitate them.
Fred- and what will you do when the rehabilitation doesn’t work?
You may not be familiar enough with the “ex-gay” concept to appreciate this, but what ex-gayness essentially means is that one’s attractions toward the same sex remain, but one chooses not to call onesself gay.
Rehabilitate all you want, you will still be faced with people who are attracted to the same sex. Presumably, when the rehab doesn’t take, they will then have to be killed.
But then you will be faced with more gay people being born, and their rehab won’t take. So you’ll have to kill them too.
And you’ll kill and you’ll kill and you’ll kill. But you’ll never run out of gay people, because they will keep being born.
How many gay people will you be comfortable killing? 1000? !0,000? 100,000? And for how many years will the killing go on?
You’ll damn yourselves. And gay people will keep being born.
Yes, Fred, plenty of other people think that way too. The most eminent one in the last century was a man whom you’ve probably heard of. His name was Adolf Hitler.
Fred, you’re the one who wants to kill people because of your beliefs. I am more than dismayed about that.
Oh well if you believe in it then that’s different. There are still plenty of people who believe your whole society, straight and gay alike, should be erradicated because of the color of your skin but it’s cool they’re only going by what they believe, so we should just let them be.
As long as it’s “okay” to target one group because they’re different, it’s okay to target any group. If Uganda supports the idea that a minority can be imprisoned or killed because they don’t like them then they’re validating the attitudes of my white ancestors who felt justified in using the African people however they saw fit.
You can rage against me for saying so but it’s true. Human rights laws are in place to protect EVERYONE.