The scene: A birthday dinner for your mother, just you and her, at Olive Garden. The act: Mom … who is divorced … guilt-trips you for not finding a heterosexual fiance for her to approve, tells you that you haven’t…
Family Values
Source: Human Rights Campaign WASHINGTON — Today, during a joint session, Massachusetts lawmakers voted 151 to 45 to defeat a measure that would have placed a discriminatory, anti-marriage constitutional amendment before voters on the November 2008 ballot. The proposed amendment…
What Does Chuck Colson Know About It?
Chuck Colson of BreakPoint Ministries has a very colorful history. The first member of the Nixon administration to serve prison time for the Watergate cover-up, he founded Prison Fellowship Ministries barely two years after in 1976. While Colson has gained…
Source: Peterson Toscano’s A Musing No one has perfect parents, and parents and their adult children need to talk about past hurts and family issues, but often without any trained counselors, after only a few days of group therapy, ex-gay…
Subject: Brainwashing children about homosexuality: YouTube The homosexual brainwashing of kids in schools… If you haven’t already seen these, get ready. That was the juicy little email sent out by Mission America this evening, a conservative Christian political…
One of the things that has become a boon for the transgender community was the coming of the internet. I’ve no empirical data to back up that belief, but the reality that my transgender peers and I can go online…
A Sudser Has A New Transgender Character
Normalizing the behavior has always been the crux of the gay agenda. Part of the process involves mainstreaming the lifestyle through entertainment. –Unattributed quote, Transgender Plot Unfolds on Daytime TV, Focus On The Family News For those who haven’t heard,…
Today’s Focus on the Family broadcast was the first in a series designed to whip up hysteria over gay marriage and try an convince black people Focus cares about a variety of issues impacting their families how they vote on…
Gay Couples May Pay Higher Taxes
It’s tax season. At this time of the year we are reminded that regardless of how many years you’ve been together and whether you are raising children; disregarding the vows you made in front of God, your friends, and your…
“Mrs. Bush is the overseer of the event, and all families are welcome to attend” Spokesman to Mrs. Bush, Peter Watkins told Detroit News columnist Deb Price. Same-sex headed families will identify themselves at the egg roll with rainbow leis….