A formidable, moving and excellently reasoned argument for marriage equality by Senator Diane Savino of New York: Hat-tip: James McGrath of Exploring Our Matrix.
Family Values
A couple of generations have passed since Stonewall, and more and more people are acting upon Harvey Milk’s declaration that the closet is the biggest enemy to the queer community. This not only includes those who are gay and lesbian,…
The Illinois Family Institute, an anti-gay organization once fronted by Peter LaBarbera, has protested at being declared a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Member Laurie Higgins claims the IFI has been targeted purely because of its moral…
Exodus is changing all right, but hardly in the right direction. Despite hinting numerous times at a more progressive outlook, here comes yet another move to put Exodus firmly in the “What the hell were you thinking of?” category. In…
Click here for a vintage homophobic hate tract from 1986. The comic book, by Dick Hafer, is titled Homosexuality: Legitimate, Alternative Deathstyle, and promises “the facts behind today’s headlines,” declaring that “what consenting adults do in the privacy of their…
Citizenlink quotes Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, in its report on the Massachusetts legislature’s repeal of the 1913 law that was used to prevent out-of-state same-sex couples from marrying there: With the protective barrier removed, out-of-state, same-sex…
Of course she will – and does – deny it is hate, but doesn’t everyone who hates? Those who oppose and discriminate against gays and lesbians may be quite sincere, and it never looks from the inside like they’re doing…
Mike Ensley’s article in the latest issue of Charisma Magazine illustrates everything that is wrong with Exodus and the ex-gay movement. In What to Do When Your Child Is Gay, Exodus’s “Youth Analyst” warns parents against trying to control their…
In what is described as a small gathering that was apparently not meant for public ears, an Oklahoma State Representative rails on about the “homosexual agenda,” using any number of discredited, Paul Cameron inspired quotes. According to JMBzine.com, the speaker…
Pentecostal leader Michael Brown continues to throw homosexuality into the mix with an array of exotic sexual fetishes, including pedophilia, zoophilia and coprophilia, sexual arousal from human feces. In January, we looked at Brown, the latest evangelical leader to join…