- Oklahoma Representative Sally Kern speech provokes hostile reaction, remains unrepentant over anti-gay remarks (original story here)
- Queerty finds evidence that Rep. Kern disowned gay son
- James Dobson laments the passing of the Religious Right’s old guard
- Openly gay Episcopalian bishop Gene Robinson declines invitation to Anglican Church’s 10-yearly Lambeth Conference, says it’s a “non-offer” (previous XGW story on Bishop Gene here)
I checked the map of Kern’s district, and information about the gay village in Oklahoma City. Her district is right on the border of the gay village. Yikes… Somebody should replace her this year. This is completely unacceptable.
Indeed. How will ‘God’ survive without them.
The gay village district does have an openly gay rep. (Al Mcaffrey) But you’re right….something needs to be done about her.
A piece of the village seems to be in the 85th as well. David Dank, a Republican. Is he a bad guy as well?
I’ll ask.
Oh Paul, that’s classic.
I personally won’t miss the religious right’s old guard, I think they’ve done enough damage to last several generations.
And marriage is on the ropes? Where do they come up with this stuff?
Hiya Emproph,
Nice to see you.
These self described ‘patriarchs of the faith’ can be very ironic, eh?
When the Republicans caucused Monday morning….Kern received a standing ovation. That pretty much tells you everything you need to know about all the Republicans in the OK house, including Dank. If any of them didn’t stand and clap, I haven’t heard about them. But I wasn’t there to see it with my own eyes, so I’m just speculating.
I really liked the commentary at goodasyou.org regarding the rumor of Sally Kern’s possibly gay son.
I’ll be the first to admit the idea of Rep. Kern ostracizing her gay son is like…fuel for that fire of dislike, that guilty sort of catharsis where it somehow feels good to find more reasons to dislike someone, but honestly there’s already more than enough reason to dislike Rep. Kern. Better to stay focused maybe?
I agree, Christopher. I thought it was worth noting what Queerty were claiming, but nothing more. Although, if it is fact, I’m not sure I’d condemn any media for bringing it up. The “gay kid” scenario seems to be a pattern with some of the most virulent anti-gays. It’s the whole purpose of PFOX, for a start.
But GAY make a good point, and it’s not something we intend to focus on here at XGW.
Thanks for the link, Christopher. I do want to stress that I wasn’t trying to be holier than thou by writing that. It’s just that I literally woke up to 15-20 emails about the gay son, and I felt I had to offer some sort of explanation.
Off topic- here’s a very interesting article from NARTH’s Sander “Tolerance education causes brain damage” Breiner:
While mostly about transsexuals, he says something very interesting about homosexuality early on:
“Homosexuality has many forms of expression. The essential element is the emotion and psychological conception of an adult that their primary sexual gratification would be in some sexual activity with a member of the same sex. It does not require any actual activity in fulfilling that desire.”
If I’m reading him right, by Breiner’s definition, the vast majority of ex-gays are still quite homosexual.
And incidentally, the article contains a large number of misconceptions about transsexuality which I don’t have time to address right now, but as an example, I’ll just say that I’ve known literally hundreds if not thousands of transwomen personally and on online forums, and I’ve never seen this tendency to just keep coming back for more surgery over and over that he alleges. I suppose it might have something to do with the fact that surgeons associated with the kind of old time university gender clinics that he’s describing have a reputation as butchers who produce lousy results.
Breiner needs to get some air.
Or some penis.
Just to be frank for a moment.
Or perhaps some mammary glands. Maybe he wants some touch therapy activity having spent 45 years in a homosexuality clinic wormhole.
Boo, unfortunately at another angle; there are a lot of transsexuals who are obsessed in wanting to be a ‘beautiful girl’ instead of just ‘girl’. I had seen extremes that even includes Tses going for 10 surgeries within two years in operations from nose to butts, even to increase depth of the vagina. Sometimes we have to reflect on why TS misconceptions exist.
I don’t know what got into Rattigan up there, but let’s not go any further down this particular road please.
Yuki- true, once you start altering your appearance through operations, I guess some people could find it becoming a habit, but this happens often with non-TSs too.
even to increase depth of the vagina.
In all fairness, a 2 inch deep hoo-hah could cause some problems.
Boo and Yuki,
It’s not really news that people become addicted to body modification. There are some women who just will not stop going in for another tuck here, another tuck there. Same for men. Same for tattoos, brandings, piercings, bodybuilding, some people get totally obsessed with this stuff.
If Sally Kern is a hard-core Baptist, then most likely she will blame eveything from society to the secret ingredient in Coke for her son being gay (if in fact the story is true). Her religious doctrine will define her as a “saint” and as being “redeemed” and “washed in the blood of the lamb” so she will never point to herself anyway. She sees homosexuality as a “sin,” so she will have to figure out how this “sin” infultrated her family.
Not all Baptists are alike, but a good majority of them are more concerned about who’s going to hell rather than immitating Christ, so I doubt a theological discussion with her would prove profitable.
Wouldn’t it be nice if “Christian” parents acted Christian towards their gay children. Instead of throwing them out on the street they gave them a safe haven called “home.” Imagine if, instead of trying to get sex in a university bathroom (as the other website alleges her son doing), a gay son or daughter were able to come home and introduce their significant other to their parents (and then go through the trama of the parents posing as New York Times critics just as straight kids do). Imagine “Christian” parents, instead of trying to pray the gayness away, instead prayed that their daughter or son found the right person to share their lives with. Wouldn’t it be nice if they echoed God’s words, “This is my daughter/son in whom I am well pleased!” instead of begging for sympathy from the church congregation because the “devil” has taken their son or daughter from them.
Sally Kern can be stubborn and never repent for the hurtful things she said, but she can take as many baths in the “blood of the lamb” and still not be cleansed for the damage she has done. And the same goes for her audience that day she said those things, those who stood up and applauded her.