This Easter season has caused me to think some about the distinction between limited inclusion and exclusion.
A Deeply Insecure Faith
Singer/songwriter Steve Schalchlin has lived out a 20-year journey away from superstition, insecurity, hubris, and stymied communication among antigay friends in east Texas. Steve was contacted recently by some former Christian bandmates. With the passage of time, have they matured…
Garry Wills: Christ Among the Partisans
Utilizing a wealth of New Testament verses quoting Jesus of Nazareth, writer Garry Wills on Sunday reminded Americans that God is neither a Democrat nor a Republican, neither a religious rightist nor a religious leftist. According to the Gospels, opposing…
Peggy Campolo, wife of Christian evangelical speaker Tony Campolo, wrote a long, undated article about her ties to the GLBT Christian movement. It is in the Christian gay community that I find the most Christ-like Christian I know — people…
…But antigay opportunists might not like this born-again Christian’s message. From The Dallas Voice, Feb. 23, 2006 (I’m still behind in my e-mail): For a while, he identified as bisexual. “But when I leaned more towards trying to date a…
Open Forum: Tom DeLay, Agent of Satan?
Tom DeLay, perhaps the most corrupt politician to walk the halls of Congress in a quarter-century, recently told his pastors that he is the Antichrist — or something similar to that. But could the Antichrist possibly be so pathetic, and…
New TV Ad for Inclusive Churches
Street Prophets and United Church of Christ blogger Chuck Currie report on a TV ad unveiled March 27 by the United Church of Christ. The ad’s title: Ejector Seat. The theme: Jesus didn’t turn people away. Nor should Christian churches….
Writing for the Washington Monthly, Stephen Waldman notes that 18th-century evangelicals sought out, and benefited greatly from, the separation of church and state at a time when they were a small minority surviving at the mercy of mainline Christian denominations….
Tomorrow (Tuesday) Stephen Bennett’s guest will be Jeff Tooley of the United Methodist committee at the Institute of Religion and Democracy will explain how “gay activist groups are planning on ‘crashing’ the [White House Egg Roll]– and politicizing it –…
In what can only be described as a stunning display of pre-Enlightenment “thought,” Family News In Focus and the Institute on Religion and Democracy condemned attempts discuss or critically analyze the controversial TV show, The Book of Daniel. “The clear…