Street Prophets and United Church of Christ blogger Chuck Currie report on a TV ad unveiled March 27 by the United Church of Christ.

The ad’s title: Ejector Seat.

The theme: Jesus didn’t turn people away. Nor should Christian churches.

The ads have already been banned from the major U.S. broadcast networks; they will run on cable. In response to the ban, calls for the mainstream media to stop silencing mainline and liberal religious perspectives in advertising and in news coverage. The networks are not impartially banning all advocacy ads; Talk To Action notes that at least one of the networks has aired ads for Focus on the Family.

God Is Still Speaking

Go to God Is Still Speaking to view the Ejector Seat ad and last year’s Bouncer ad, which also was rejected by TV networks. Another ad, “Ejection Pew,” will be released April 3.

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