UPDATED Concerned Women for America has an internship program in which they train young women to be culture warriors against those who don’t share CWA’s view of how the world should be. Part of this training appears to be writing…
Peter LaBarbera
Hartline Comments on Bathhouse Protest
As we’ve discussed before, the IFI protest at the Gay Games in Chicago were highly ineffective. The protesters were outnumbered and then rain washed them out after about an hour and a half. Previous reporting discussed singing atheletes from London,…
LaBarbera’s Bathhouse Visit – One More Thread
We now have a report from the Windy City Times about Peter LaBarbera’s outreach to Steamworks, a gay bathhouse in Chicago on the final Saturday of Gay Games. LaBarbera showed up with an armed bodyguard, ex-gay James Hartline, and half…
Ex-gay Protest of Gay Games Comes to an End
With the culmination of the Gay Games VII in Chicago, so too ends the protest led by IFI’s LaBarbera and his crew of less-than-reputable ex-gays. Although there was a full schedule of protest planned throughout the Gaymes, very little was…
We reported earlier that Peter LaBarbera was to be in town to “counter the upcoming Gay Games events in Chicago with a ‘Truth and Love Offensive.’” Described as an “outreach”, his stated goal was to “tell homosexuals there is freedom…
Ex-Gays At the Gay Games
Athletes from around the globe are converging on Chicago for Gay Games VII. But they will not be alone. Also in attendance will be ex-gays to share their message. The Truth and Love Offensive will be headed up by Peter…
Exodus board member Phil Burress wants drugstore condoms locked away to discourage their purchase. Focus on the Family disapproves of condoms as a fallback when abstinence fails. Exgay activist Stephen Bennett opposes both condoms and potential prophylactic drugs to prevent…
The Illinois Family Institute is a state-level family policy council that claims independence from, but closely coordinates its activities with, Focus on the Family. Last month I noted that IFI executive director Peter LaBarbera has been building ties with the…
The Campaign to Defend the Constitution last week accused Focus on the Family of lobbying on behalf of the Louisiana gambling industry. As Ex-Gay Watch noted then, Focus seemed to admit doing so in the fine print of its response…
A Constitutionalist’s World
When I was about 8 years old, the moon landings were still fresh and fascinating. Like many kids from that time, a couple of my friends and I decided we were going to build a space ship and go to…