Exgay mother Lisa Miller-Jenkins, who fled her Vermont civil union and took her daughter to the antigay state of Virginia, again refused to comply with her former partner’s Vermont court-ordered visitation, paving the way for a large fine or incarceration,…
Reflections on Gay Family Week in Provincetown
Paul E. Keith wrote about Stephen Bennett’s demonstration in Provincetown, Mass., over the weekend. Since then, Paul has reflected some more, and writes: My original post was concerned, of course, with what I saw in Provincetown on Saturday that was…
The Family Research Council takes issue with the American Psychological Association again over gay parents. The FRC declines to link its readers to last week’s APA resolution on gay marriage and parenting, or to the APA position’s clinical underpinnings. (XGW…
Ex-Gay Anne Paulk: Who Owns Traditional Values?
In a June 1 op-ed column in The Oregonian (Portland), Exodus board member, author and Focus on the Family associate Anne Paulk reacts to an earlier LA Times column by Max Boot. (Free subscriptions required.) Paulk does not directly address…
Exodus Ex-Gays: Outlaw Homosexual Parenting
In an April 16 issue of “Media Spotlights” that contains numerous errors of basic grammar as well as fact, Exodus International says: 1) The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) published a position statement titled, “Homosexual Parenting: Is It Time For…
Anti-gay Parents Say Satire = Evidence
The Thames Valley District school board in London, Ontario was considering expanding its safe schools program to include gay and lesbian students. A parents group, STOP (Simply Truths Our Priority) objected by presenting a 300-page compilation of Internet “research”. One…
The Exodus media blog yesterday promoted a WorldNetDaily item categorically accusing gay parents, who seek marriage to protect their kids, of promoting incest. Exodus claims that it does not endorse the items on its blog. The purpose of a media…
David Morrison, in Sed Contra: And They Wonder Why Parents Homeschool Their Kids, says: Parent’s are rightly protective of their kids and the ideas and concepts to which their children are exposed. General opposition to same sex marriage will crystalize…
Exodus Ex-Gay Position on Adoption
Exodus executive director Alan Chambers spells out his opposition to adoption by gay people, as well as his preference that gay biological parents either give up custody or keep their same-sex attraction (and their life partner) a secret. Chambers calls…
Ex-Gay Mom Fights Ruling Against ‘Homophobia’
The conservative Christian legal group Liberty Counsel is aiding a Denver ex-gay adoptive mother in a battle against the woman’s female former partner, who had joint parenting rights and retains visitation rights with their eight-year-old adopted daughter. As a condition…