The gay author Armistead Maupin slammed Scientology at a book-signing in London last week: [The] Church of Scientology comes in very handy. It’s the biggest ex-gay movement in America. They catch you when you’re young and confused, tell you they’ll…
Screened Out: Gay Images In Film
If you enjoyed the Celluloid Closet, you might want to set your Tivo for this. On Monday and Wednesday evenings, for the month of June (starting tonight), Turner Classic Movies is featuring films from 1912 to 1969 which contain gay…
At the 2007 NewFest: The 19th Annual New York Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Film Festival, the closing film will be the New York City premiere of Robert Cary’s drama Save Me, which stars Chad Allen, Robert Gant, and Judith…
Subject: Brainwashing children about homosexuality: YouTube The homosexual brainwashing of kids in schools… If you haven’t already seen these, get ready. That was the juicy little email sent out by Mission America this evening, a conservative Christian political…
Newsweek interviewed actor Chad Allen about Save Me, his movie about one gay man’s experience with an ex-gay ministry. Your character in “Save Me” struggles to reconcile his Christian beliefs with his homosexual desires. Which parts of that struggle ring…
Here’s my latest video. A great deal has been said about the Spitzer Study but much of it is difficult to understand for people unfamiliar with the ex-gay movement. The purpose of this video is to examine the methodological flaws…
XGW, Youtube, And You (The Serious Reader)
If you’re seeing this post over the weekend you must be a serious XGW reader. As a serious reader you should definitely subscribe to our new Youtube channel which has been made possible in part by the site which recently…
Ex-Gay Movie “Save Me” Gets Favorable Reviews
Chad Allen (Dr Quinn, End of the Spear), Robert Gant (Queer as Folk), and Judith Light (Who’s the Boss, Ugly Betty) star in Save Me, an indie film about a young man in an ex-gay ministry. The film premiered yesterday…
Earlier this week XGW’s Timothy Kincaid wrote about fallen ex-gay Michael Johnston’s appearance in the video “It’s Not Gay” which is still being sold by several anti-gay organizations. This morning gay activist Wayne Besen filed a complaint against one such…
Randy Thomas (membership director for Exodus International, the largest “ex-gay” group in the country) was interviewed recently on the Adam Carolla radio show and claimed nobody is ever forced to attend an “ex-gay” program against their will. This video examines…