Despite the fact that it was revealed that half of their library is made up of Christian literature, and their online resource center is padded with articles from Christian therapists and counselors, Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH) strives…
Dr. James E. Phelan recently caused quite a stir with a disturbing and somewhat gleeful report on his blog about having “one-two drop kicked the hell out of” a man in the Columbus Marathon. Phelan had heckled a gay group,…
Jews who want to rid themselves of same-sex attractions will often turn to “secular” organizations like NARTH, because aside from Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH), every religious ex-gay ministry in the United States is targeted to some type…
Maybe it’s the name. Ever since ex-gay, ex-licensed, ex-Moonie, and ex-Jewish “therapist” Richard Cohen made his disastrous appearance in “The Daily Show,” (see the video here), virtually every major ex-gay organization dropped him like a hot potato. Cohen, described by…
At JONAH, Click ‘Lez’ for Lesbian
Hey JONAH, is anyone at the helm of your website home? I have my doubts for a couple reasons. One is that it appears that the greeting on the main page has only been changed once. The second and more…
Christianity Thinly Veiled At JONAH
How “Greenberg” is my valley? You would think that an organization as professedly Jewish as JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality) wouldn’t need any help from the Goyim. You thought wrong. (“Goyim,” by the way, means “Nations” in Hebrew,…
Something’s Fishy At JONAH
Many people, even those involved in countering the ex-gay movement, have probably never heard of JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality). In a field that is dominated by Evangelical Christianity, JONAH seems to stand alone as the only ex-gay…
Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH) appears to stand alone as the only Jewish ex-gay organization in the country. With a fairly substantial online library, rabbinical commentary, and even an option to read the site in Hebrew, JONAH is…