“For over three decades the consensus of the mental health community has been that homosexuality is not an illness and therefore not in need of a cure. The APA’s concern about the positions espoused by NARTH and so-called conversation therapy…
“Although a third of the subjects in my study reported having had serious thoughts of suicide related to their homosexuality, not one of them blamed the gay rights movement’s advocating a ‘born-gay’ theory of homosexuality as the cause of their…
Last week Focus on the Family published an article in which gender issues analyst and “former homosexual” Melissa Fryrear blames “pro-gay advocates” for high suicide rates among lesbian youth: The survey revealed that nearly four out of 10 lesbian girls…
In a podcast interview with Kim Jeffries, ex-lesbian Janet Boynes cites makes up some interesting statistics: Jeffries: I understand that’s not uncommon that there has been a sexual assault or rape or some kind of abuse in the past of…
Richard Cohen on CNN; Exgay Leaders React
The Malcontent has video of Richard Cohen’s appearance on CNN. CNN’s website also has video. Pam Spaulding offers background on Cohen, and Steve at A Tenable Belief reacts to Cohen’s techniques. Warren Throckmorton seems as freaked-out by Cohen’s antics as…
In an stunning display of circa-1984 logic, today’s guest Peter LaBarbera pretends closing the baths will keep gay men from doing unsafe things. In the name of compassion and being pro gay rights, gay men are dying young. They’re dying…
AIM’s “Quit Gay Sex” Campaign
Did anyone else catch this Cliff Kincaid op-ed from the ironically named, “Accuracy in Media” news site? After praising ABC News for prompting people to quit smoking, in the wake of Peter Jennings’ death from lung cancer, Kincaid goes on…
Are You Sexually Compulsive?
From Patrick Yaeger of Queer Visions: Are You Sexually Compulsive? Many in the gay community still equate sexual promiscuity with gay liberation in general. Irresponsible nonsense. Within the gay community, sexual addiction runs rampant. The reasons are obvious given the…
I recently discovered the following decade-old story and thought it should be added to our records at XGW. Quoted text is from a 1999 broadcast of PRI’s This American Life. Numbers indicate location of quotes in the broadcast. In 1988…
Various arms of the AFA such as OneMillionYouth.com and the AgapePress have been promoting a new bible distributed by Tim Todd Ministries containing comic book style inserts on various cultural issues. Comics can be viewed at the Truth For Youth…