Exodus’ Freedom Conference began yesterday and goes until the 11th of June. Touted with the motto “The Reality of Grace,” attendees come to hear “a message of Biblical truth and Christ-like compassion to a world impacted by homosexuality.” Watchdog group…
Building on David Robert’s post on the Richard Cohen portion of The Rachel Maddow Show, Randy Thomas, Vice President of Exodus International, had some things to say about the exchange. Randy Thomas: I am going to share a review of…
Randy Thomas, Vice President of Exodus International: Freedom of speech which expresses a difference of opinion on morality and spirituality is not a crime. The following is a case of one of the hackneyed headless monsters that the anti-gay industry…
Why ‘Day of Truth’ Fails All Students
Today, April 17th, is the 13th annual “Day of Silence.” For those unaware, the “Day of Silence” is one day out of the school year when participating students choose to remain silent all day as a protest of the silence…
The current economic situation has affected every individual, business, and organization in America – including ex-gay organizations. I recently even received a newsletter from Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH), virtual tzedakah box in hand. This is the first…
Ex-gay counselor David Pickup, whose “Increasing Manhood” video was met with speculation as to whether or not it was a joke, was recently profiled in an XGW article that showed his obsession with hyper-masculinity. His ex-gay program, “The WorkOUT,” seems…
April is chock full of teachable moments lest any teacher’s plan book go empty. We have Keep America Beautiful Month, National Poetry Month, and National Frog Month. April birthdays include Leonardo DaVinci, William Shakespeare, and Daffy Duck. Now, Dr. Warren…
The recent hateful rant by Representative Sally Kern hit home with me, not because of the more widespread comparison she made between gay folks and terrorists, disgusting as it is, but because of her continued rant about the public schools…
Ex-gay Audio Discussion At Interfaith Voices
There is a new interview and discussion of the ex-gay issue from both major angles at InterfaithVoices.org. Peterson Toscano discusses how his life was harmed by the process, after which no change was evident. Alan Calhoun, group leader from Regeneration…
UK Gay Activist Dies At 98
Dr James Hemming, a child psychologist, humanist and gay rights campaigner, has died at the age of 98. He was Vice President of GALHA, the UK’s Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association, as well as a former President of the British…