Focus on the Family declared gay Canadian couples unwelcome in the United States on Monday. Focus joined Concerned Women for America in demanding that foreign couples lie on U.S. immigration forms, stating that they are single when they are not….
Antigay Group Censors Itself
This afternoon, Concerned Women for America removed from its web site an article, discussed at XGW here, that described a gay Canadian couple as “domestic terrorists” for attempting to cross the U.S. border as a couple. Google has a cached…
Gays = Terrorists?
Is it terrorism when a gay couple from Canada wishes simply to cross the border as a couple? Concerned Women for America now labels them “domestic terrorists.” CWFA appears to have stooped to a new low in the trivialization of…
CWFA Gives Texas Rangers Fans A Bronx Cheer
Texas Rangers Gay Day received a modest turnout of gay sports fans — but Concerned Women for America apparently has its cities mixed up: It greets gay sports fans with a Bronx cheer. CWFA said: The 8 by 4 foot…
A Human Rights Campaign study found that most Fortune 500 companies have policies opposing discrimination against same-sex-attracted workers. And a rising number of top companies reportedly offer some limited benefits to the families of gay workers or advertise to gay…
Exodus: Sadly, Not So Compassionate After All
Last Wednesday, Exodus executive director Alan Chambers issued a responsible and compassionate response to news about ex-gay ministry leader Michael Johnston’s efforts, deliberate or incidental, to infect gay men with HIV. Sadly, by 8:30 a.m. Thursday morning, Exodus spokesman Randy…
I share Natalie’s thoughts and prayers for Michael Johnston. It’s tough when I find myself acting contrary to my deeply held values and beliefs, and I can only imagine the same is true for him. I need to point out…
The American Family Association confirmed that Michael Johnston, the ex-gay HIV-positive head of Kerusso Ministries, had closed his ministry after numerous unsafe sexual encounters with other men. Johnston was the star of an ex-gay TV ad, ex-gay video, and a…
Concerned Women for America and Focus on the Family have steadily increased the volume of their antigay press releases this week. One item in particular seems brazen in its defamation of author Judith Levine. At this point, I can’t keep…