-Former ex-lesbian Kori Ashton launches a gay-affirming website.

-The Serbian government cancels Belgrade Pride due to safety issues.

-Focus on the Family steps up its efforts to recruit younger supporters.

-Opponents of marriage equality in Washington state showcase divorcees in a “preserve marriage” campaign authored by divorcees.

-Anti-gay group Marriage Maine admits that they are misleading voters in their advertisements.

-The US Census Bureau releases data on same-sex marriages for the first time.

-More than half of all LGBT individuals remain in the closet at work, according to a new study.

-A gay teenager claims to have been “healed” via exorcism; meanwhile, gospel singer Tonex comes out of the closet.

-More Maine organizations speak out against anti-gay Question 1.

-The UN General Assembly’s new president calls homosexuality “not acceptable.”

-The Michigan State Senate rejects a measure that would have protected gay students from violence.

-Gay couples in Scotland can now jointly adopt children.

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