-The Atlanta police department offers questionable reasons for its recent raid on a gay bar.

-President Obama to nominate law professor and out lesbian Chai Feldblum for Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

-A Catholic church solicits funds for anti-gay political activity during Sunday Mass.

-The Ohio House passes a non-discrimination measure.  The bill faces a tougher battle in the Republican-controlled senate.

-The Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce voices its support for Washington Referendum 71 (a “yes” vote is a vote in favor of retaining Washington’s domestic partnership law).

-Congressman Earl Blumenauer apologizes for his vote in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act, and calls for its repeal.

-The Straight Spouse Network adds its voice in support of marriage equality.

-Anti-gay Stand For Marriage Maine employs duplicity and misinformation in its campaign to repeal same-sex marriage.

-George Takei and husband Brad Altman to appear on The Newlywed Game.

-Serbia to hold a gay pride event for the first time since 2001.

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