-The National Equality March gains additional support.
-Right Wing Watch warns that the religious right is regaining momentum.
-Former Miss California Carrie Prejean to speak at the 2009 Values Voter Summit.
-Arizona eliminates domestic partner benefits for the families of 800 state employees.
-Another defender of “family values” is caught in a scandal.
-Soap opera actress Patricia Mauceri claims victim status after being fired for objecting to her lines in a gay-themed storyline.
-Anti-gay Referendum 71 is cleared for the ballot in Washington State.
-Discover Magazine explores the history of reparative therapy.
-The British government formally apologizes for its treatment of gay mathematician and war hero Alan Turing.
-Rep. Gerrold Nadler to introduce a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.
I’ve just been reading the article from Discover Magazine, “Is It Possible to Systematically Turn Gay People Straight?”, to which you’ve provided the link, and I notice once again the following statistic in the Jones-Yarhouse study:
It strikes me that there’s no justification for assuming that all of these 30% will remain “chaste” indefinitely. In my experience, while the temptation to mere physical, raw sex may diminish as one gets older, the need for a loving sexual relationship increases. The Catholic priest Fr Doric in Patricia Nell Warren’s novel, The Fancy Dancer, puts it well :
There’s a good discussion on Turing Pharyngula.
Or, even, at Pharyngula.
(There used to be an edit facily here, didn’t there?)