Recently, we received a copy of a letter sent by Exodus president Alan Chambers to members of a parents group earlier this year. While the source wishes to remain anonymous, we have verified it as authentic.

In the letter, Chambers describes the first and last time ex-gay guru Richard Cohen was invited to participate in an Exodus Annual Freedom Conference in 2000. During that conference, Cohen taught a workshop on holding therapy.

During that class, which I attended, he asked for a volunteer to demonstrate on. His volunteer was a seasoned Exodus leader. This leader was instructed by Mr. Cohen to lay on the floor and spread his legs wide open. Dr. Cohen then laid down on top of this other man face to face and embraced him.

Mr. Cohen made the comment, “This might cause some stimulation. However, what goes up must come down, I always say.” He made other vulgar comments of this nature.

Apparently the volunteer was so affected that he was uncertain he could continue as a ministry leader. Chambers goes on to explain how Exodus banned the use of holding therapy by member ministries, and removed Cohen’s books and other materials from sale. Cohen was told he would not be invited to another conference and Exodus refused to endorse his work.

Below is the full text of the letter:

Dear Parents Group,

Many of us within Exodus initially read Coming Out Straight, as we do most new books on the topic of overcoming homosexuality. Those of us who read the book began to talk amongst ourselves about the legitimacy of holding therapy, a practice Richard both uses and endorses.

At the time this discussion began (2000) I was not the President of Exodus nor was I even a board member. However, as the leader of an Exodus Member Ministry, I was deeply concerned about the implications this would have on Exodus as a whole if we endorsed such a controversial technique. Too, I worried about the possibility of leaders exposing themselves to temptation via the practice of “holding” a client.

That year (2000) at the Exodus Annual Freedom Conference Richard Cohen was invited by the Leadership at the time to teach a workshop on holding therapy. During that class, which I attended, he asked for a volunteer to demonstrate on.


His volunteer was a seasoned Exodus leader. This leader was instructed by Mr. Cohen to lay on the floor and spread his legs wide open. Dr. Cohen then laid down on top of this other man face to face and embraced him.

Mr. Cohen made the comment, “This might cause some stimulation. However, what goes up must come down, I always say.” He made other vulgar comments of this nature.

Mr. Cohen came out of homosexuality as did the leader that he violated. This leader was so taken back and embarrassed by the event that he wondered if his ministry status was at stake.

I joined the board of directors of Exodus that year and I made it very clear that I wanted to ensure that Dr. Cohen was taken to task for this breach of trust. A letter was sent to him and to my knowledge he had some conversations with Bob Davies, my predecessor. The tapes of his workshop
were pulled and he was told that he could not teach at any future conferences.

However, his book continued to be sold by the Exodus office until I was hired and I stopped that, as well.

It is because of all that I have shared and more that Exodus International does not and will not endorse or work with Mr. Cohen. His recent lack of judgment in the area of media interviews has only served to reinforce my belief that he is not someone Exodus should highlight as a valuable resource to the people that look to us.

As for the practice of holding therapy, under my leadership we decided to adopt the NARTH ( position banning our ministries from practicing this technique. Regardless of any benefits that this therapy is purported to have, I firmly believe that it is a stumbling block for all parties involved.

I appreciate each one of you and as someone who battled homosexuality myself, I believe it is my obligation to only promote the ministries and resources that will bring forth life long term and not simply every resource out there.

God bless each and every one of you,


Alan Chambers
Exodus International

Since that conference in 2000, Cohen has appeared on several news and comedy shows, cuddling, screaming and whacking pillows with his trademark tennis racket. Perhaps the most bizarre was his performance on The Daily Show, after which many organizations quietly removed any reference to him (though later some were replaced). He also appeared on The Howard Stern Show, where he posed next to male members of the crew, some of whom were sporting naked genitals.

Yet through it all there are some groups who hold tenaciously to Cohen and his teachings. Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) removed him as President, but they still recommend his books. Jews Offering Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH) has a close relationship with him, while the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) still carries his material on their website. Even InterVarsity Press, a prestigous Christian publisher recently released Cohen’s book, Gay Children, Straight Parents, even after an apparent period of reflection over the matter.

And now we have new revelations about Cohen’s support of a strangely homo-erotic “therapeutic group” called New Warriors. One wonders if there will ever be enough writing on the wall to discourage the confused from trusting a Richard Cohen.

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