If anything, Christianity Today’s questions for conservative-Christian viewers of “Brokeback Mountain” may be a bit too tolerant:
1. The tagline for Brokeback Mountain is, “Love is a force of nature.” Do you agree? Do we get to choose whom we fall in love with? Do we get to choose our sexual orientation? Why or why not?
2. Scripture says homosexual sex is sinful (Lev. 18:22, 20:13; Rom. 1:26-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-11). How should the church engage those who hold different beliefs about homosexuality? Should Christians expect all people to be heterosexuals? Why or why not? What does this mean for how Christians should treat gays?
3. Ennis’ parents died when he was young. Do you think the loneliness he experienced as a child played into his attraction to Jack? If yes, how so? When he got married, why didn’t Alma’s love satisfy his need for companionship?
4. Do Ennis and Jack love each other because they’re gay, or are they gay because they love each other? Explain. Had they never met, do you think one or both of them would have happily lived a heterosexual life? Why or why not? What does that say about the nature of sexual orientation?
5. Ennis and Jack determine that their bond is no one else’s business. Can love—gay or straight—stay secret and be and/or remain healthy? Why or why not?
6. How should Christians approach films that depict gay relationships? What, if anything, can we learn from such movies? About the gay culture? About ourselves?
I appreciate CT’s effort to provoke thoughtful analysis. But there’s a worthwhile issue missing here.
If this opens dialog in the Christian community, this will be indeed “the most important gay movie ever made”.
Even if many people do not change their hostility or disapproval, it may make them aware that there is not unanimity of thought on the subject. They may come to realize that other Christian, some whom they know to be “good Bible-believing Christians”, do not share the anti-gay attitudes of Dobson or Kennedy.