it’s worse. I was honestly hoping that some of what the second person, Grant Haas, has said was at least exaggerated for tabloid purposes, but that hope seems to have vanished. As an obvious initial move (and by no means…
Video: Sex in Ex-Gay Programs?
It seems there is never a dull moment in the life of Ex-Gay Survivor Peterson Toscano. He has just posted this short video to answer a question he often receives from curious friends and audience members. It appears that New Life Assembly paid the young man $180K in what can only be described as hush money. He comes forward in this report by TV station KDRO. The references to the life that Ted Haggard was…
Check this post if you are unfamiliar with the Grey Zone. If Nicolosi’s theory is correct, he and Stanton should probably not be sitting so close on that couch.
‘In the Life’ Explores the Ex-Gay Equation
In God We Trusted This month IN THE LIFE explores the power of religion to shape our lives, worldview, and our political convictions… providing spiritual guidance and comfort, but often used to promote intolerance and hatred of LGBT people. Looking…
YouTuber “Planet Narth” gives us a light-hearted vocabulary lesson with the help of Joseph Nicolosi. XGW covered the incident featured in the video, for those who are curious about it.
XGW has covered the strange story of David Pickup from several angles, but perhaps none so bizarre as this parody from our friends on Planet Narth. Apparently the sky is rather pink there.