YouTuber “Planet Narth” gives us a light-hearted vocabulary lesson with the help of Joseph Nicolosi. XGW covered the incident featured in the video, for those who are curious about it.
YouTuber “Planet Narth” gives us a light-hearted vocabulary lesson with the help of Joseph Nicolosi. XGW covered the incident featured in the video, for those who are curious about it.
While watching that, I just had the most horrible thought! When he said “while they are looking for the gay gene”… What if there really is a “gay gene”? Will they start testing for it, and using “ex-gay treatments” on small children or something cruel like that?
Ugh, these people make me sick! And to see them doing these things “in the name of God”!
There is this saying that goes:
Joe nicolosi–Narth Vader!!!!
He should have had an outburst with the second characteristic the reporter mentioned: creative. He didn’t say that.
You needn’t worry: there isn’t a gay gene. There isn’t a straight gene either. The evidence does seem strongly to indicate that genetics play a significant role in determining sexual orientation, but if homosexuality is caused partly, or even wholly, by genetic factors, then it is a much more complex process than a matter of a single gene – certainly far too complex for these latter-day Josef Mengeles to deal with, thank God.
True, the “gay gene” is an oversimplification. I think only lay people call it a “gay gene” (and I include Nicolosi there). Rather, sexual orientation is caused by a complex multitude of genes working as a combination. Non-genetic factors haven’t been ruled out either, so it’s likely that other factors also contribute to the equation.
Maybe Nicolosi blanked for a second and was hearing “autistic?”
I’d say the same complex set of factors creates gay AND straight people!
I just heard today that there was an embryo created WITHOUT the specific genetic breast cancer that runs in her family.
The other embryos that had the cancer gene, were discarded.
I’m sure there will be a hard copy article popping up about that any time now.
I’m seeing that one could be emphatic about all kinds of facts, but to someone committed to their homophobia, they don’t listen very well to whateve WE say.
Like the fact that genetically legitimate people have been hurt by institutional discrimination before, so THAT
is no protection from that, nor people making things up to rationalize inequality and injustice.
Whether it’s justified or not , isn’t a conversation the opposition wants to have.
Note that I said the other embryos, were discarded.
Think the usual suspects will say anything about that?
I can’t remember where I saw it, but I recently read an article giving information about environmental influences on gender preference. The study looked at the role of environment on influencing brain development, giving subjects treated as female a more feminine brain and subjects treated as male a more masculine brain. If I remember correctly, it was done on rats and I can’t remember the specifics of the study, does anyone else remember this study popping up anywhere?
Please note, it’s important to not draw causation/correlation logical fallacies from this, until I can find information on the specific research, it’s all just supposition. I’m having a hard time imagining how one would treat a female rat as a male rat.
Oh God! That view! I sat staring out that window for about two years a third year on and off, listening to that man. Ugh.
‘Will they start testing for it, and using “ex-gay treatments” on small children or something cruel like that?’
even if a gay gene is discovered that doesn’t mean ex-gay treatments will be possible
Nature or nurture?
An oversimplification. As someone mentioned on Richard Dawkins’ website, everything is both.
Oh My God!
I WAS that “tempermentally sensitive, introverted, ARTISTIC, timid, shy boy.”
And… I HAD a “distant, detached, CRITICAL father.”
But… me mum was a sensitive, introverted, shy lady.
I guess I don’t fit “the classic TRIADIC family dynamic!”
But two out of three ain’t bad.
I never watch Dr. Phil but I saw a teaser for an up-coming episode. There happens to be a man looking much like Nicolosi on the 15-second promo. Is it him?
Yes it is cowboy. He and a FOTF guy are appearing on a show about kids who are transgender.
It must be sweeps week.
Good one, Cowboy! I might have to check out that episode. Two self-proclaimed “doctors” acting like they know what they’re talking about… should be funny.
Don’t they have it SO wrong?
There ARE genes that can be traced to addictions. And some addictions are a matter or serotonin levels in the brain having too extreme swings in those levels.
So at least we know that addiction has physiological aspects and reactions.
We also know that some clinical mood disorders, like bi polar, can be leveled off with certain drugs or supplements.
Schizophrenia too has developmental traces as well as specific behavioral properties that often disable it’s sufferers.
What they ALL have in common is, left undiagnosed, or untreated, there can be serious disbility of those with it.
But there are no CURES.
THIS is the definition of disorders, they are different ranges of DISABILITY to function fully and competently in life.
Now, here we have supposed professionals like Nicolosi.
Or non professionals like Randy Thomas.
And NONE of them deal with the fact of PHYSIOLOGICAL properties to ALL disorders.
Which ALL of them have to some degree.
If they don’t believe there is a genetic connection (re BIOLOGICAL or PHYSIOLOGICAL), then how can they possibly tell the public that THEY have the definitive interventional cure or treatment for homosexuality?
And no professionals would be considered so who told their patients to engage in a religious discipline to cure it…or even level it off.
And the sufferers can be gay or NOT.
And also, psychiatric or psychological professionals work with ALL kinds of problems, they don’t necessarily relegate their professional expertise to a SINGLE issue.
That NARTH, Exodus and all the others train their focus EXCLUSIVELY on homosexuality. They engage politically in isolating gay people from marriage equality where even psychiatric pros don’t engage in political action to discriminate against say, those with bi polar or addiction problems.
So why does homosexuality attract them so much?
Why approach it in ways inappropriate even for diagnosable clinical issues?