Paul of Gay Christian Network provides a first-hand account of activist Stephen Bennett’s ex-gay leafletting effort in Provincetown, Mass.
Stephen Bennett
Ex-gay Stephen Bennett in P-town on Saturday
Time to follow up on Stephen Bennett’s plans to bring Bible gift bags to gay and lesbian families and their children in Provincetown Massachusetts this coming Saturday. In May, we noted that Stephen Bennett Ministry’s (SBM’s) $50K fundraising target could…
Stephen Bennett Updates
Two months ago we took a look at Stephen Bennett Ministry’s (SBM’s) fundraising efforts for an evangelism trip to Provincetown MA. At that point, the $50K fundraising target looked like it could support a ten-fold increase in participants (from 50…
Ex-gay activist Stephen Bennett enthusiastically promotes his antigay CD as a joint project with World Net Daily. As it happens, the current issue of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Report cites World Net Daily’s role in the publication of…
Last year Stephen Bennett Ministries (SBM) chartered a bus and took 30 Christians from Connecticut to evangelize gays and lesbians vacationing in Provincetown, MA for four hours. “Several” more folks from out of state joined Bennett there. Six hundred gift…
Ex-gay and antigay movement leaders see profit in the battle against marriage and civil unions for gay couples. As Stephen Bennett sees the situation, one way to make money from cultural anger, fear, and hate is to host and sell…
My mind is getting slow — time for me to pop some Paxil. I knew that Stephen Bennett has been publishing articles about his victimization by liberal homosexual sympathizers like Bill O’Reilly. What I didn’t know, until Google told me,…
Ex-Gay Rally At Illinois State Capitol
The State Journal-Register in Springfield, Ill., reports today on an ex-gay rally at the state Capitol, sponsored by Concerned Women for America and Peter LaBarbera’s group, the Illinois Family Institute. Stephen Bennett said: “I’ve had both worlds, I’ve been in…
Village Voice writer Michael Musto accused an unnamed ex-gay activist of making overtures to him, when both happened to be in the green room for a taping of Geraldo Rivera’s show. (Thanks to Jim Barber for the link.) Actually, Musto…
E-mail rebel Ace Fumigators started a flamewar in Usenet’s alt.censorship group on March 1 by posting Stephen Bennett’s press release, “Former Homosexual: ‘Gay Marriage is a Counterfeit and Fraud.’” The flamewar begins here. Ace’s own messages consist of references to…