Scott Lively and Peter LaBarbera endorse Russia’s official antigay censorship and extrajudicial violence
Scott Lively
Movie: God Loves Uganda
From director Roger Ross Williams, comes a movie about the devastating effect of the descent of Evangelicals from the West on Uganda. XGW readers will be well familiar with the “Kill the Gays Bill” which came out of interventions in…
NARTH Promotes Anti-Gay Junk Science, Says SPLC
The National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality is now the “main source of anti-gay ‘junk science,’” according to a new report by the Southern Poverty Law Center. “But even as NARTH is held up as an authority…
In an opinion piece for Christianity Today, Timothy Shah absolves American evangelicals from any responsibility for homophobia in Uganda and says the Anti-Homosexuality Bill is “a single legislative stunt by a single low-level politician.” Shah responds to the claim that a…
Scott Lively made a small splash by deciding to open a Christian-themed coffee house in Springfield, Massachusetts called “Holy Grounds.” People wondered aloud if this was a “new leaf” being turned over, but Lively made known that he would continue…
Video: Scott Lively on The Daily Show
Scott Lively on the Offensive over Uganda
Scott Lively, the anti-gay activist whose conference appearance precipitated Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009, is fighting back against the media’s “character assassination” of him. In an email sent to supporters this week, Lively wrote: Friends, I’m looking for a good Christian…