Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays operates a Yahoo group for antigay parents and relatives of adult gay persons. The e-mail discussions are tightly moderated by conservative federal “civil rights” attorney Estella Salvatierra, who has served as PFOX vice president. Salvatierra…
Since 2000 the American Family Association has been peddling a video about exgays titled “It’s Not Gay.” Ex-Gay Watch reader Jim Burroway recently threw $10 at the AFA’s discount-bin for a copy of the video. In his book “Anything But…
Richard Cohen on CNN; Exgay Leaders React
The Malcontent has video of Richard Cohen’s appearance on CNN. CNN’s website also has video. Pam Spaulding offers background on Cohen, and Steve at A Tenable Belief reacts to Cohen’s techniques. Warren Throckmorton seems as freaked-out by Cohen’s antics as…
Cohen on CNN
[Editor’s Note: The content of this entry has been incorprorated into a more recent post.]
CNN / Paula Zahn To Air Piece On Richard Cohen
It appears the Paula Zahn show will air a segment on Richard Cohen this week, possibly Monday night unless it gets bumped by something constituting real news. Other people interviewed for the story include Jash Drescher, Robert Spitzer, Shawn O’Donnell,…
From The school board voted 7-0 April 10 to create a policy that would ban all “sexually oriented clubs, gay or straight or otherwise.” School system spokesperson Kathy Walters said the board could vote on adopting the policy at…
PFOX now has a new leaflet designed for ex-gay strugglers to provide to their friends to help answer questions they may have. Unfortunately, PFOX’s leaflet makes claims that are not close to truthful. In fact, many ex-gay individuals and groups…
Having grown weary of picking on internet satirists, Liberty Counsel has paired with PFOX to kick off the “Change is Possible Campaign.” PFOX’s press release accuses “homosexual activists” of “using youth to advance an agenda.” The press release goes on…
“Mrs. Bush is the overseer of the event, and all families are welcome to attend” Spokesman to Mrs. Bush, Peter Watkins told Detroit News columnist Deb Price. Same-sex headed families will identify themselves at the egg roll with rainbow leis….
Legal threats from the fundamentalist, anti-diversity Liberty Counsel recently forced the cancellation of Diversity Day at a Wisconsin high school. In response, a columnist for the Wisconsin State Journal wrote the column, Hijacked diversity day can’t deny differences. In retaliation,…