Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) sent out a mailing today titled “NAACP Rocks,” referencing a 2006 letter of appreciation from the organization to PFOX. According to the attached copy, PFOX held an exhibit at the NAACP annual…
PFOX’s New Gender Musing
Parents And Friends Of Ex-Gays And Gays (PFOX) recently published an article by an unknown Erica Heny* about Gender Identity Disorder (GID) from an African-American perspective. The article “The Emperor’s New Gender” likens people living with GID to the foolish…
The recent hateful rant by Representative Sally Kern hit home with me, not because of the more widespread comparison she made between gay folks and terrorists, disgusting as it is, but because of her continued rant about the public schools…
The webmaster for Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays, Gabriel Espinosa, has been cited by Box Turtle Bulletin for his use of the F word (and little else besides the expletive) in correspondence with public officials about what constitutes fair access…
The long and winding runway that PFOX and its allies have traversed with the Montgomery County School Board at the expense of their taxpayers finally reached a straitaway and green light earlier this month. The controversial curriculum was approved by…
Maryland Schools Criticize Sloppy Work of PFOX
In July, antigay political groups including Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) filed papers in Maryland state court to stop implementation of a board-approved and popular sex education curriculum in grades eight and ten in suburban Washington, D.C., schools. This…
Evidence Still Scarce in Alleged PFOX Assault
This is a follow-up in our effort to separate fact from fiction in the alleged assault claimed by Parents and Friends of ExGays and Gays (PFOX) at the Arlington County Fair last month. If you haven’t read our earlier coverage,…
PFOX Seeks Confrontation At Virginia Festival
This past weekend, Nicholas F. Benton, owner and editor of the Falls Church News-Press, attended the Falls Church Festival, in Falls Church, Virginia. As the only community newspaper, he and his reporters were there to cover the event. As it…
As a follow-up to our previous post on this matter, we have gathered more information in our investigation of claims made by Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) here. Yesterday, we spoke with Jackie Abrams, Vice Chair of…
This past Tuesday, PFOX posted some disturbing news. While innocently offering “materials on same-sex attraction and tolerance for the ex-gay community to a hungry public” at the Arlington County Fair, Arlington Va (Aug 15-19), they claim their representatives were viciously…