Received via e-mail tonight from the Queer Action Coalition, Memphis, Tenn.: AS OUTLINED HERE: LOVE IN ACTION LAW SUIT DETAILS FILLED WITH LIES ABOUT QAC In the 29-page [PDF] document outlining Love In Action’s lawsuit against the State of Tennessee,…
Live-In Programs
The Alliance Defense Fund and “Love In Action,” an exgay live-in facility in Memphis, are suing the state of Tennessee. Until recently, LIA claimed to offer therapeutic services. When the state challenged LIA’s failure to obtain a license and hire…
‘Love In Action’ Hangs On
The Memphis, Tenn.-based Queer Action Coalition reported Sept. 22 that the exgay live-in “ministry” Love In Action had recruited unnamed antigay lawmakers to assist in its battle to stay open and, if possible, to use its religious affiliation to bypass…
‘But I’m A Cheerleader’ Goes Song And Dance
The campy 1999 movie about a cheerleader who is sent off to ex-gay camp because she’s showing signs of lesbianism (she’s a vegetarian, doesn’t like kissing her boyfriend, and likes listening to Melissa Etheridge) has been made into a musical….
From the Associated Press via The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities has ordered the closing of what it calls two unlicensed personal care facilities run by a Christian group that claims to counsel gays to give…
Calling Former ‘Love In Action’ Participants
Peterson Toscano, Jeff Harwood and others are pulling together data on all participants who attended the Memphis-based live-in ex-gay program Love In Action from 1995 to present. The list includes first names of participants, how they left the program and…
Love In Action Stalls for Time
The Memphis-based Queer Action Coalition reports: A lawyer for Love In Action/Refuge contacted the State of Tennessee late yesterday [Wednesday?] claiming to have received their letter that day, and thereby requested to still receive the one-week time span in order…
LIA/R May Face Cease And Desist Order
Morgan Fox at Queer Action Network has given us an update on the State of Tennessee’s inspection of Love In Action/Refuge. Coverage prior to this date has been somewhat confusing and there seemed to be no clear answer as to…
UK Story About Love in Action
An article in a UK paper, The Guardian, about the ex-gay movement. (hat tip Morgan Fox) Although part of the article reads like “aren’t those Americans odd”, there were a few quotes worth noting. The first is a story that…
The Last Zach Update(?)
Zach has updated his journal once again, and unleashed another torrent of support / debate / ranting / etc. on his MySpace account. He reaffirms that the last entry was his, refuting the speculation that it was written by somebody…