The Alliance Defense Fund and “Love In Action,” an exgay live-in facility in Memphis, are suing the state of Tennessee.

Until recently, LIA claimed to offer therapeutic services. When the state challenged LIA’s failure to obtain a license and hire accredited, college-educated staff members, LIA reworded its web site and marketing materials. LIA deleted its claim to offer licensed therapy and wrapped its mental-health activities in religious language. But LIA continued to provide pseudo-therapeutic services to the mentally ill, including:

  • behavior and thought modification programs;
  • a 24-hour immersion in 12-step treatment geared toward the reversal of unwanted homosexuality; and
  • management of clients’ food, activities, and antidepressant medication

In a public statement reprinted by the Queer Action Coalition, ADF and LIA pretend ignorance of LIA’s history as a flagship exgay live-in facility for the mentally ill.

However, as noted many times previously by Ex-Gay Watch, former participants and employees of LIA including Peterson Toscano and Jeff Harwood say that LIA staff were underequipped, undereducated, and poorly trained to cope with emotionally unstable and suicidal clients.

Toscano notes today on his weblog that LIA, which drills into clients the notion of taking responsibility and refraining from playing victim, has now solicited the resources of one of the religious right’s largest, best-funded and most litigious activist organizations, and Tennessee’s two largest Southern Baptist churches, in a vast exercise of playing victim before the media and the state’s unfortunate taxpayers.

Read more about the exgay lawsuit against Tennessee (PDF copy) and Love In Action press release (Word document) at the Queer Action Coalition web site.

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