Beyond Ex-Gay co-founder Peterson Toscano found himself on a broadcast radio show yesterday with a host, another guest and all but one caller holding staunchly anti-gay positions. His responses were responsive and calm in the face of some really vile…
This is a recent, brief interview of Dr. Warren Throckmorton and Dr. Benjamin McCommon on CNN regarding their views on the APA’s current re-evaluation of their position on reparative therapy. Sean O’Donnell also appears via a brief file clip explaining…
Source: Human Rights Campaign WASHINGTON — Today, during a joint session, Massachusetts lawmakers voted 151 to 45 to defeat a measure that would have placed a discriminatory, anti-marriage constitutional amendment before voters on the November 2008 ballot. The proposed amendment…
What Does Chuck Colson Know About It?
Chuck Colson of BreakPoint Ministries has a very colorful history. The first member of the Nixon administration to serve prison time for the Watergate cover-up, he founded Prison Fellowship Ministries barely two years after in 1976. While Colson has gained…
What Is a Christian?
Can a person be both gay and Christian? It’s an important question that has only begun receiving serious attention over the last couple of decades. Many evangelical Christians would respond with a flat “no” and refuse to engage the question…
The Citizens For Responsible Curriculum (CRC) don’t like the newly proposed human sexuality curriculum for Maryland’s Montgomery County Public Schools, specifically as how it approaches sex education for eighth and tenth graders. The Washington Blade’s Joshua Lynsen reports that… …Montgomery…
This is the second part of a multiple part series about the term gender. Conservative religious organizations and ex-gay organizations use the term gender — and variants on the term gender — to group together GLB & T people in…
Ex-gays and other anti-gays like to portray all gays and lesbians as a living some “homosexual lifestyle”. Naturally, this lifestyle has every negative attribute that can be imagined. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered persons are all anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-defense socialists…
I loathe the idea of commenting on the Foley scandal here in the XGW; however; Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth commented on the scandal, and his comments apply to this forum.
Focus/Family Trivializes Exgay Struggle
From Good As You: In a review of Lucky Number Slevin, Focus on the Family refers to a rabbi’s son not by his sexual attraction, orientation, or struggle, but rather by his “sexual preference” and “lifestyle.” Focus is suggesting to…