Arthur Abba Goldberg is no longer listed as a NARTH officer on the organization’s website. There is no indication whether Goldberg resigned or was forced to leave. Either seems likely after last month’s revelation that the champion of reparative therapy…
NARTH President Julie Hamilton has responded to this week’s report that NARTH Executive Secretary and JONAH co-founder and co-director Arthur Abba Goldberg is a convicted felon. On the NARTH website, Hamilton makes a number of assumptions and seems blind to…
Arthur Goldberg’s damage-control campaign has begun. His strategy is to portray himself as an innocent man who made a mistake, and is now the victim of a ruthless personal attack by the purveyors of the much-feared gay agenda. Arthur A…
Arthur Goldberg, head of Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH), apparently has a hard time breaking old habits – he co-founded the Jewish ex-gay organization a month after he completed parole as part of his sentence for perpetrating fraud….
Ex-gay proponents Joseph Nicolosi, Arthur Goldberg and Jeffrey Satinover are in London today for the Sex & the City conference organized by Anglican Mainstream, the publishers of the tired, homophobic polemic God, Gays and the Church. On BBC Radio Five…
The current economic situation has affected every individual, business, and organization in America – including ex-gay organizations. I recently even received a newsletter from Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH), virtual tzedakah box in hand. This is the first…
Is Exodus Warming Up to Richard Cohen Again?
Ex-gay guru Richard Cohen has always taken what some would consider a freakish approach to ex-gay therapy, one that stands out in a field that is, by definition, unconventional at best. Cuddling with clients on the couch, swatting pillows while…
Increasingly irrelevant in the US, the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) has created a new division to spread their views abroad. The International Federation for Therapeutic Choice (IFTC), while it sounds formidable, appears only to…
Ex-gay group Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH), despite their heavy involvement with Christian organizations, claim to be a viable alternative for Jews who see conflict between their sexual orientation and the Torah. They claim to take a Torah…
Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH), whose “alternatives” are not new and aren’t that Jewish, has a lot to answer for. That’s why not long ago I sent them the following email: My name is Emily Kesselman and I’m…