“Zach” is real. His name is Zach Stark. A Google search finds that, until today, Zach had only been identified by full name in one obscure blog. However, in an interview for Pat Robertson’s national CBN TV network, father Joe…
Blogger Brady of “Some Guys Are Normal” first noticed on June 14 that Exodus was distributing propaganda by long-discredited “researcher” Paul Cameron. Cameron runs an antigay propaganda service called the “Family Research Institute,” based in Colorado Springs. Cameron was kicked…
The New York Christian Coalition — which last year sponsored an exgay billboard on behalf of exgay activist Stephen Bennett — now says that gay people should be required to wear warning labels. From 365gay.com, Jun. 13: “We put warning…
Since the mid-1980s, the Red Cross — with FDA support — has prohibited men who have had sex with men, at any time since 1977, from donating blood. That’s right — 1977. Twenty-eight years ago. This prohibition remains in place…
Thomas S. Dee, a professor of economics at Swarthmore College, has released a statistical study of the impact of gay marriage and civil unions in Europe on the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections. From the report’s conclusion: The simple theoretical…
Dr. Gregory Herek:The facts about Paul Cameron Mark E. Pietrzyk, The New Republic, October 3, 1994:Queer Science Rainbow Alliance:Paul Cameron: The conservative Christian art of misrepresenting statistics Press Complaints Commission (United Kingdom), July 15, 1997The commission upheld a complaint against…
Revised Mar. 23, 2005 Earlier this month, American Family Association propaganda service AgapePress profiled James Hartline, an HIV-positive exgay activist. Hartline claimed to be battling "taxpayer-funded gay bathhouses" in San Diego, but AgapePress offered no substantiation for the accusation. As…
Gay Web Sites Delink Ex-gay ‘crisis’ Line
From the Houston Voice (Feb. 11): Four gay and lesbian Web sites that unknowingly listed the National Youth Crisis Hotline as a resource have deleted referrals to the hotline in response to a recent Houston Voice story that exposed the…
Questioning Exgay Claims About Gay Health
Discredited researcher Paul Cameron’s rigged reports on gay health still get passed off as fact by a variety of exgay web pages, including Exodus archives. But smart exgay activists like Talbert W. Swan and Stephen Bennett have shifted their focus…
Antigay AFA Activist Compounds His AIDS Error
Activist Gary Glenn, of the American Family Association-Michigan, talked the religious-right news service AgapePress into distorting HIV/AIDS statistics on Sept. 22. Glenn inflated the incidence of new HIV/AIDS cases in metro Detroit by one-third by confusing new cases with a…