The New York Christian Coalition — which last year sponsored an exgay billboard on behalf of exgay activist Stephen Bennett — now says that gay people should be required to wear warning labels.
From, Jun. 13:
“We put warning labels on cigarette packs because we know that smoking takes one to two years off the average life span, yet we ‘celebrate’ a lifestyle that we know spreads every kind of
sexually transmitted disease and takes at least 20 years off the average life span according to the 2005 issue of the revered scientific journal Psychological Reports,” said Rev. Bill Banuchi,
executive director of the New York Christian Coalition.
Psychological Reports is not a scientific journal. It is the propaganda arm of antigay activist Paul Cameron.
Maybe a warning label for many ex-gay groups or even some of the patently dishonest rhetoric from people such as this would be a bit more necessary.
I’ve said this at other blogs before, but I am not sure how Pastors like this can claim to be good Christians and repeat obviously false and incorrect information like this. Even the most elementary of background searches would show these statistics to be wrong. I guess lying isn’t so bad, though.
I believe Paul Cameron himself once suggested the enforced tattooing of AIDS patients. Perhaps we should all be made to wear pink triangles?
This is funny as heck. A warning label? What form is this warning label supposed to take? When I was a kid and went off to summer camp, my mother sewed name bands into my underpants. Is that the type of “warning label” they want? “Don’t steal my underpants. They’re labeled.”
This quote highlights something I’ve been noticing for a while. The extremist militant wingnuts are overly and excessively fond of bizarre outlandish adjectives when criticizing our revered respected and credible community.
I understand that we both use superlatives. However, at some point, when they verge into flat out lies they need to be challenged.
Exactly who reveres this magazine? If they are trying to suggest that it is respected in the psychological community, they are being deliberately deceptive.
When they call some group “militant” we need to ask if they’ve ever heard of a gay group they didn’t think was militant. If not, then they are lying by suggesting a distinction.
When they say some group has this or that agenda, we need to force them to state their source.
The anti/ex-gay groups operate by spreading lies and deceit and it’s time that their reputation start matching their actions.
I am living for the day that on national TV someone turns to Andrea Sheldon (or whoever) as asks “which is the greater sin, sodomy or lying?”
Reading the “Reverend’s” quote made more sense with him wearing a Bill “Here’s you sign” Engvall style “I’m stupid”.
My girlfriend had a great quip though. She got all excited reading about this and said…
“Oh yeah…we can wear these pretty pink triangles and Oh..the jews can wear stars and the gypsey…”
A wag might suggest that putting “warning labels” on gay people would allow other gay people to identify other gay people. It might be a bit of a service. chat rooms do that now, but not so efficiently, since they attract straight men who merely want to get fellated by gaybois. (There are other web sites that provide the same service, but I won’t mention them.)
And chat rooms also attract homophobic mayors that want to have sex with teenagers in exchange for city jobs. 🙂
Do they offer free tattoo removal for “ex-gays” or will they just stick an “ex” in front of the “gay”? Hmmmm…..something to ponder.
Sounds like a solution ChadWhat’s more, you could also stick another “ex” in front of the “ex-gay” when that is infinitum.
So, they are suggesting that gay people should be required to wear pink triangles?
The significance of the reference should be evident.
I really have no idea of what I’m doing. However, is there anyone out there that is struggling with our enemy regarding temptation (same sex) deceit and other strategies? It’s been 30 years since I have tried to submit to our Lord on this immeasurable thorn and I wonder…