Discredited researcher Paul Cameron’s rigged reports on gay health still get passed off as fact by a variety of exgay web pages, including Exodus archives.
But smart exgay activists like Talbert W. Swan and Stephen Bennett have shifted their focus to other antigay researchers, like John R. Diggs Jr. (Past XGW references.)
Thankfully, other researchers are catching up with Diggs and challenging Diggs’ distortion of the medical data.
At theologywebsite.com, medical researcher and theology student Jeramy Townsley offers detailed refutations of a Diggs study attacking gay health.
Digg’s website is “catholiceducation.” I’ve seen things there over the years, linked to on the NYTimes gay rights board. “Catholiceducation” is an oxymoron. I’d make a reference to likening that to investigating one’s nether regions, but I’ll avoid the opportunity.
Thanks for the tip.
I am working on a thorough debunking of Paul Cameron’s “Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do”. I’ve looked up every medical source he cites and documente each instance of distortion. I hope to have it wrapped up by the end of the year.
It would be nice if there were a single one-stop location where all such rebuttals can be catalogued and maintained. Any ideas? I’d be interested in participating.
Great suggestion Jim. We really need a central place to put refutations of exgay claims about us. Mike, any idea of where would be a good spot? There are a lot of people here who do research this. Hmmm…….
Will you be publishing your debunking work publically on the Internet? I think we would all certainly appreciate it if you did.
I’d be interested in helping set up the one-stop shop, either here or at another web site.
Yes, I will post it publically on the Internet. I’ll let you know when that happens — hopefully by Christmas.