Tomorrow (Tuesday) Stephen Bennett’s guest will be Jeff Tooley of the United Methodist committee at the Institute of Religion and Democracy will explain how “gay activist groups are planning on ‘crashing’ the [White House Egg Roll]– and politicizing it –…
Family Values
A Tenable Belief: ‘Brokeback’ And Gay Marriage
In mid-January, CNN’s Larry King Live aired a four-person discussion of Brokeback Mountain and marriage for gay persons. The guests were Janet Parshall and Albert Mohler speaking for the religious right, and Chad Allen and Casper, Wyo., councilman Guy Padget…
Christmas greetings from Ventura, my hometown as well as home of the only gay bar between Santa Barbara and LA County. That bar, Paddy’s, serves an important role as a sort of community gathering center during holidays when boys return…
Brokeback: But What About the Wives?
Perhaps I’ve missed it, but I have yet to see substantive, civil public discussion about the wives and children who were also harmed in the tragedy depicted by “Brokeback Mountain.” Were the wives and children harmed by: the mens’ effort…
One Lutheran Family Takes a Stand
As an anecdotal example of the trauma caused in families by the rigid and literal interpretation of selected scriptures on homosexuality, one woman put her religious dilemma into words for the StarTribune online. Randi Reitan and her family have decided…