Mel Sheesholtz, Ph.D, voices skepticism about Destructive Trends in Mental Health (Amazon link), a new book edited by Rogers H. Wright and Nicolas A. Cummings. However, Sheesholtz is much more skeptical of a review written for the National Association for…
Ex-gay Lutheran Character in Gay Novel
Van Gower of Southern Voice reviews the new novel “Sex Camp” by Brian McNaught. Of the many compelling characters, the writer struggled most to fairly flesh out the character of Peter O’Shea, a self-identified ex-gay Lutheran Church worker. :I didn’t…
Activist/author Wayne Besen today criticized a new exgay book, “Closing the Closet: Testimonies of Deliverance from Homosexuality.” The book, edited by pastor Talbert W. Swan II, includes a foreword by exgay religious activist D.L. Foster and an afterword by antigay…
Writing for Vermont’s monthly Out In The Mountains, Robert William Wolff praises gay activist Wayne Besen’s book about the ex-gay movement, Anything But Straight.
Ex-Gays See Ally in Lesbian
Exodus International executive director Alan Chambers and spokesman Randy Thomas frequently publish broad accusations against “radical” and “elite” gays without identifying specific individuals or citing specific statements or events. This tactic sometimes raises questions over whether the activists, statements or…
Rembert Truluck on ‘Ex-Gay Wars’
Former Southern Baptist pastor and gay Christian speaker Rembert Truluck offers a positive review of Wayne Besen’s new book, Anything But Straight. An XGW review of the book is forthcoming, probably within two weeks. One can often count on Dr….
How to Prevent Ex-Gays
Author and gay activist Wayne Besen, to Express Gay News, Oct. 6: Besen concedes that the gay community is partly to blame for the ex-gay phenomenon. “Gays could be more supportive of their own,” Besen said. “Gay bars can be…
Exodus And Dr. Laura
Exodus spokesman Randy Thomas periodically blasts critics of Dr. Laura, broadly associating them with terrorism. Exodus should be more careful of who it defends, as well as how. Journalist Natalie Davis cites news sources reviewing Dr. Laura’s new book, in…
Anything But Straight
Haworth Press set today as the release date for Wayne Besen’s book on the ex-gay movement, “Anything But Straight.” The unveiling will be accompanied by a 55-city book tour. An extended excerpt from the book is available here. The book-release…