…whether Cameron would take his cue from Höss and use Zyklon B to carry this out. (For a more detailed tour of Cameron’s World, see “Paul Cameron’s World“.) JONAH remains…
Search results for: "paul cameron"
Protecting the Children
…put the quote in context. The context was not “Paul Cameron is a liar” but rather “Don’t quote Cameron to gay people because it will piss them off.” As much…
Discredited anti-gay researcher Paul Cameron was guest speaker at a meeting of the Christian Council of Britain last month. Cameron used the opportunity to claim that homosexuals are responsible for…
…citing work it acknowledged as incorrect. In various parts in The Agenda, Sheldon cites work from Paul Cameron. Cameron is a researcher who was dismissed from the American Psychological Association…
…“commitment,” and “faithful,” heterosexuals cannot assume they mean “sexual exclusivity.” Why? For the evidence, the authors turn straight away to the research of the notoriously unreliable Paul Cameron, the propagandist…
…Worse, the source for their claims is the discredited and largely avoided Dr. Paul Cameron and his Family Research Institute. Insure.com CEO Robert Bland defended the use of Cameron’s data…
…each other. The bill does not, however, apply to couples who are eligible to marry. And this has caused anti-gay bogus statistician, Paul Cameron, to object. It would be possible…
Unrepentant Sins of an Antigay Advocate
…to verify serious claims about Michael Johnston and Paul Cameron. Timothy Kincaid Bernie doesn’t have the time to find out if Paul Cameron is a fraud? Really? It would take…
Yo! That Definition’s Wicked Clear
…Indeed, St. Paul makes the opposite remark, clearly stating homosexuals can change But is that what the letter to the Corinthians really says? Did Paul pull out his quill and…
…book (The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics) contains thirteen direct references to Paul Cameron’s work, including two appeals to Cameron’s pedophilia “study” (pgs. 412, 479-80), one to his…