In case anyone is interested, Paul Cameron has come up with yet more “proof” that homosexuality causes an early death. But if the press release is correct, Cameron has merely collected data comparing death rates from AIDS among various populations:…
Good for the PTA
The PTA has turned down a request from PFOX to exhibit at its annual show, while approving a request from PFLAG. Now, why exactly would PFOX want to appear at a K12 Education trade show to begin with? To help…
Gay Marriage = Social Good
Rick Sincere has a post on his blog today, discussing new research that documents a decline in sexually transmitted diseases with the advent of gay marriage in Europe. Proponents of gay marriage have long argued that the stabilizing effects of…
But Remember…He’s Not ‘Gay’
NY Times is reporting that the mayor of Spokane, Wash., James West (a Republican and outspoken opponent of gay rights), has been accused of molesting two young boys when he was a Scout Master, years ago. West was married to…
An Anti-Gay Timeline
Some of you might be interested in seeing this 30-year timeline of the anti-gay movement compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center. I consider myself pretty informed about the Religious Right’s war on gay people (and on civil liberties in…
Gays And Christians
I’m sure many of you have already seen this article from the Galveston Daily News, highlighting efforts by local Christian groups to counter the anti-gay message fostered by South Houston’s recent "Love Won Out" conference. Still, I wanted to link…
Taking Responsibility for Our Lives
It’s encouraging to see the spate of recent articles like this opinion piece from the Palm Springs Desert Sun, talking honestly about certain kinds of reckless behavior in the gay community (in this case, use of crystal meth) and how…
My XGW Agenda
In case anyone is curious, I’d like to fill you in on how I came to be an XGW contributor. It actually started with a negative review I wrote of XGW over at my own blog, questioning the notion that…
Support for Gay Marriage Declining?
I’m not sure if it’s true, but it has the folks at the Conservative Voice all atwitter. The press release comes complete with an approving quote from Exodus rep Randy Thomas. It’s a good reminder that the real agenda of…
Another Study on Gene Theory
Covered by Agape Press and followed, of course, by the requisite bleating press release from Warren Throckmorton, denouncing the reported findings. Blah, blah, blah. On a philosophical level, getting bogged down in the genetics debate will get us absolutely nowhere. …