…such thing. Ex-Gay Watch does not disrupt other discussion forums, and we have always discouraged our readers from uncivil actions or raids against exgay web sites. We encourage civil and…
Search results for: "exgay-watch-pro-3"
…ex-gay myself. Ex-gays should have as much rights as pro-gays themselves and should not be condemned just like we do not condemn pro-gays. Daniel Lee Dear Helga of Real Love,…
Anti-Gay T-Shirts Not Allowed – For Now
…from exgaywatch criticized that questioning of someone’s sexuality, probably because Chase wasn’t here to defend himself and kick up a fuss about it. If you don’t believe me and Kendall…
…others, that a positive message about exgays never emerges? Are exgays really suppressing themselves? The website’s Exgay page links to the following exgay organizations: the reparative-therapy advocacy group NARTH, the…
‘It’s Elementary’: Noe Gutierrez Turned Ex-gay
…that is proportionate to the number of ex-gays who are now ex-ex-gay. If Gutierrez sincerely wants to help high school faculty, then he will truthfully disclose success/failure rates of ex-gay…
…WorldNetDaily propaganda promoting antigay Massachusetts parent David Parker’s battle to prevent public schools from opposing antigay prejudice and violence. Exodus promotes WND’s accusation that “angry homosexual activists” somehow dominate the…
Thought Toddler Gay, Dad Kills Son
…That’s usually followed by “hundreds of thousands of ex-gays and you can’t prove otherwise” (primarily because no one is allowed any sort of verification). DL so clearly illustrates the ex-gay…
When You Just Can’t Say It
…promiscuous gays who get STDs is typical of all gays. https://exgaywatch.com/blog/archives/2005/07/are_homosexual.html#comments Joking about being unable to get it up doesn’t address the issue of whether you consider being gay similar…
Youth in the Ex-Gay Crosshairs
…targeting parents, children and adolescents. Whether through ex-gay teen programs or traveling ex-gay conferences like Focus on the Family’s Love Won Out ex-gay programs are recommending that parents commit their…
Subjective Views About the Founders of Exodus
…thing though–they were usually pressured into marriage and children (to prove they where straight) and they leave victims behind because of exgay therapy. Personally, I have no problems with exgay…