Did anyone else catch this Cliff Kincaid op-ed from the ironically named, “Accuracy in Media” news site? After praising ABC News for prompting people to quit smoking, in the wake of Peter Jennings’ death from lung cancer, Kincaid goes on to urge ABC to launch a campaign urging people to Quit Gay Sex. Here’s the best part:
We would suggest that ABC News take on another dangerous practice—homosexuality. The latest reports indicate a rising pattern of sexually transmitted diseases nationwide. The 2005 estimate for syphilis cases is the highest in a decade, and the number of gonorrhea cases will exceed any other year’s count since 1993. Federal officials attribute the increases mostly to HIV-positive homosexual men having sex with one another. The practice is called “serosorting.” The practice shows the dangerous and addictive nature of the homosexual lifestyle. As if it wasn’t bad enough that the homosexual men are HIV-positive, they simply cannot stop having sex with other men. So they are still having sex, this time with other HIV-positive men. They think this is “responsible” sex. But they are increasing their risk of acquiring other sexually transmitted infections, including new resistant strains of HIV. It appears that the homosexual lifestyle is as addictive as smoking.
Hilarious! If I didn’t know better, I would swear this was a parody article, a la The Onion. What’s clear, certainly, is that Cliff Kincaid has never met an actual gay person. It is tragic that some people suffer from sex addiction, and that they feel compelled to indulge in dangerous, unsafe sex practices–but this is not a condition exclusive to gay people (Sexaholics Anonymous? 90% straight), nor is it one that afflicts the majority gay people.
It’s 2005, and I can’t really believe we still have to say this, but here it is again: Homosexuality does not cause AIDS; nor does it cause syphilis. Unsafe sex–of the gay or straight variety–is what facilitates disease transmission. Those of us who are responsibly single, or happily coupled, can only scratch our heads at this absurd conflation of homosexuality and sex addiction.
For the sake of humor and laughs here is the mission statement from AIM.
“Accuracy In Media is a non-profit, grassroots citizens watchdog of the news media that critiques botched and bungled news stories and sets the record straight on important issues that have received slanted coverage.”
Slanted Coverage? Set the record Straight? very sad stuff when they can’t even follow their own mission. It would be good for people to email this guy politely, so it doesn’t sound like hate mail, and show him how wrong and “slanted” he is.
That site looks really goofy. I wouldn’t suspect there is much in there worth reading from the few articles I scanned. They are mostly all written by that same guy.
When, when, when, when WHEN…will people like this Kincaid get that:
Promiscuity is dangerous.
It’s not one’s sexual orientation that is.
THIS is a lifestyle issue that crosses ALL lines of humanity with negative results.
Promiscuity is also a difficult issue among Africans and American blacks (higher incidence of unplanned and unwanted pregnancy and infection rates too)…would he suggest that we quit the ‘black lifestyle’?
And ALL of these issues of promiscuity and disconnection can point DIRECTLY to a culture of PREJUDICE that devalued the lives of minorities. Distinctly worked to implode economic and social integration, and family cohesion so that self protection wasn’t even POSSIBLE.
Criticizing a diaspora…calculated into becoming diasporic…isn’t even a rightful moral indictiment.
The mirror must be held up to the real perpetrator.
Those who have issues with gay promiscuity, also do not encourage monogamy and marriage between gays and lesbians.
This all or nothing dictum…will never be right.
That’s trying to have it every way but the right way.
This Kincaid isn’t talking about promiscuity.
A person can quit being promiscuous. But it’s not up to ANY other human being that another has to bail on their gay identity to avoid it.
As if other people don’t have the same risks.
Who died and put him in charge of even suggesting such an outrage?
I feel the insult in this as much as if he’d walked up to me and demanded that I’m acting too much like a black woman for his comfort.
As hard as it’s been to be a black woman…I love it that I AM.
I’m GLAD that I am…and wouldn’t trade it, no matter what.
And I don’t think I’d be wrong to believe that’s true of my gay peers.
Kincaid can go pound sand.
AIM was founded and is–or at least was–run by a right-wing official from the Reagan Administration.
As was Brent Bozo (Bozell) of the Media Research Center (MRC) and its associated Christian, no Conservative, no Cyber News Service. CNS has gone through so many name changes that it is difficult to keep track.
If this group is a media watchdog group, shouldn’t they just be asking the media to produce accurate stories rather than creating their own stories?
A “call” like this seems like more than just watching the media and holding them accountable.
Just for the record, Cliff Kincaid is NOT related to me (or not closely – the Kincaid family is fairly small and he almost certainly is a relative, though distant).
Please, please, please don’t just refer to him by last name. It makes me cringe.
Timothy Kincaid
Oh, and the same goes for insipid painter Thomas Kincade.
What about Mr. Kincaid from the Partridge family?
Is he ok to talk about?
Yeah, I’m cool with Ruben Kincaid. And also the guy from Bridges of Madison County. In fact, considering how few Kincaids there really are, the name is very familiar from many fictional literary sources. I think there’s even a US battleship.
Several centuries ago there was a famous murder case in Scotland involving Lady Jane Kincaid, who had her servant beat her abusive husband to death. She was beheaded, her nurse who encouraged the act was burnt at the stake, and her servant was the last guy to die on the rack in Scotland. She confessed to a Bishop – who achieved fame and fortune by writing a book about it. Some things never change.
OK, we’ll forgive the “Lady Macbeth” part of the family…But ONLY if you agree to post a photo of you in your Tartan. Including a broadsword, round shield and fierce red beard will get you bonus points.One half of my family are Lennox, so I’m happy to see the clans kissed and made up. The last thing I need right now — being the silly season and all — is to have to gather the lads together and descend on you lot and kill all the crops, burn all the women and rape all the cattle.Umm, no, that sounds all wrong… sorry, it’s been awhile and I’m quite out of touch.
ah, a distant cousin.
Very very distant. I think the Lennox-Kincaid split was in the 13th century, or thenabouts? But we’re all one big happy family again. (With the exception of Cliff who doesn’t seem very happy at all)
Compare gay stats to heterosexuals’
Posted December 5 2005
Re the letter, ‘Facts to add about homosexuals’ (Nov. 28): If we’re going to generalize that folks who live a “homosexual lifestyle” face many ills, we’ll need to discuss the ills of the “heterosexual lifestyle.” For example, the U.S. birth rate for teenagers in 1997 was 52.3 live births per 1,000 women age 15 to 19. Teen pregnancy is a heterosexual problem.
Also, in America, 54 percent of new HIV/AIDS infections are among heterosexuals. This isn’t even addressing that the incidence rates for sexually transmitted diseases chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea and human papilloma virus — within the entire adolescent population in the United States have increased dramatically in the past decade.
For example, 40 percent to 50 percent of all sexually active females have had a previous HPV infection, now known to account for most cases of cervical cancer.
Lastly, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the 2003 marriage rate in the United States was 7.5 per 1,000 total population, and the divorce rate 3.8 per 1,000 population. This apparent 50.7 percent divorce rate is a heterosexual problem.
So to follow logic similar to the letter, students should be educated that heterosexuals aren’t necessarily “bad” people, but that the “heterosexual lifestyle” is bad for people.
Autumn Sandeen
San Diego
This is similar to a post highlighted by Pam’s House Blend last summer about a New York Minister who suggested that gays ought to wear warning labels because of the dangers we represented which were “worse than smoking”. As Autumn correctly points out, it is not orientation that is inherently dangerous, it is those practices which are known to cause virus transmission that are the concern. Idiots like Kincaid ignore heterosexual statistics because their arguments then do not hold water if he were to do a side by side comparison. Another “brilliant” conclusion came earlier this year from the disgraced Paul Cameron who concluded that gays were 6X more expensive than smokers due to the fact that all gays have AIDS and what it costs to keep us alive. He even used his false 1% of the population in his actuarial calculation(!).
Brent Bozell is Wm F Buckley’s nephew, son of L Brent Bozell who was, or maybe still is, some sort of high panjandrum of the conservative movement.
The painter spells his name Kinkade. Does that still mean you are related?
“Those of us who are responsibly single, or happily coupled, can only scratch our heads at this absurd conflation of homosexuality and sex addiction.”
“those of us?” You mean all “5” of you?
get real,
Marcus, I understand the impression you and others have of “the homosexual lifestyle” being one of rampant promiscuity, militant activism, all the most deviant behaviors. However, just as it would be foolish for me to think that all Christians are like Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson, it isn’t good for you to let the one very bad picture become your sterotype for gays. I used to think much like you while I was struggling to understand my homosexuality. What I have discovered (to my relief and pride) is that there are many very resposible, chaste, and “normal, everyday” gay people. I just spent two years getting a degree in music. The academic environment surrounding music has a much higher percentage of homosexuals than other fields. Yet the gays that I know are mostly either single or in serious monogamous dating relationships. Mostly, just like my heterosexual peers, they are single, looking, and sadly unable to find suitable partners in this ever-increasingly urban world. It is so easy to be lonely with all these folks around. Everywhere I associate with handsome men and beautiful women who live quiet, chaste, single lives. Now, I won’t say there aren’t some bad apples. I can think of one or two (who I still am hesitant to judge) who are known and disliked throughout my peer group for their bad behavior. My point is, it would help if you opened yourself to knowing some real people instead of the “idea” of them supported by so much fear-based rhetoric that rages in our culture.
We actually are “real”, Marcus. I wish you would try to “get” us.
Don’t Feed the Troll Jay. *takes out his sword and torch*
“The painter spells his name Kinkade. Does that still mean you are related?”
Alas, probably. Unlike a patronymic (Johnson) or occupation name (Smith) which could have a great many original sources and thus may well not be related, ours is a place name, and a specific one at that. All of the Kincaids (of various spellings) come from one family that took the name of a piece of land in Scotland.
So, you can blame the tacky paintings of cutesy cottages in improbable flowery meadows on a member of my family. Oh, the shame.
OK, nuff now about the name.
Timothy said:
OK, nuff now about the name.
Except to say that, unless this is “Timothy” and not “Timothy Kincaid”, you are confusing me by not putting your last name on your post as you usually do 😉
Does Cher have to use her last name. Does Madonna?
How is it YOU know so much about gay people?
How come you’re not trying to lecture me about being a black woman?
And the lifestyles inherent in being like that?
C’mon. I’d really like to hear what you think my lifestyle is.
In my family AIM, is the American Indian Movement.
I remember my folks having their material around and donating generously to the Red Cloud Indian School.
I’m glad you got it said too.
There is a difference between one’s orientation and what one does with it.
Unplanned and unwanted babies…now THERE is a phenom that is dangerous for CHILDREN (and the women who bear them).
The abuse, neglect, poverty and murder of children globally seems to be an acceptable collateral of heterosexual fecundity.
Which is why the prejudice and stereotypes around heteros and homosexuals who choose not to have children, or have non procreative sex is REALLY strange.
If a hetero is going to have a child, the least they can do is plan carefully and take good care of their spawn.
A whole world of hurt could happen. Hitler was a horribly abused child.
Those who themselves haven’t adopted needful kids, should stop bitching if gay people adopt the unwanted children.
Better yet: the purpose of homosexuality sure is staring us all right in the face.
Has anyone yet blamed the plague of dangerous gangs in our communities a result of runaway homosexuality?
I think not.
Mores the point: if straight men want to marry, perhaps they should encourage open homosexuality. That way they won’t sweat the competition.
Same goes for lesbians and straight women.
Google an 80’s article, Eros and Ally Oop. It is about a survey of the gays in CA. Over 70% of men surveyed had more than 100 different sex partners and over 27% had over 1000.
If heteros make up 98% of the population and 54% of aids cases, that means gays are 2% of the population and 46% of aids cases. You do the math if you can.
Why in the world would anyone trust some random article not peer review in science to back up such a crazy right wing claim. “rising guy” who is obviously stoned on crack needs to get a grip and come into science, where those statistics have been proved false.
Rising Guy, this Article you Googled from the 1980’s, would it, per chance, have been conducted by a PAUL CAMERON???????
The poster mysteriously known as “Timothy” said:
Does Cher have to use her last name. Does Madonna?
Yeah, but there is only one Cher! Does that mean one of the Timothys is really just a drag queen with bad make-up? 🙂 🙂 🙂
“If I could turn back time…”
Another way being perceived as LGBT is unhealthy: Gay soldier leaving Army after assault at Fort Huachuca.
David, David, David,
c’mon. I’m only being silly. Yeah, it’s Timothy Kincaid.
Though I i suppose with the right costume, wigs, makeup, and drag lessons I could do Cher. I just don’t know about those ribbons she was wearing in that video… I don’t think they would be enough to hide… um, well they just wouldn’t do. But if you want to get a whole ship full of sailors, I might be willing to try.
Timothy said:
But if you want to get a whole ship full of sailors, I might be willing to try.
I’m making some calls :p
Regan said “And ALL of these issues of promiscuity and disconnection can point DIRECTLY to a culture of PREJUDICE that devalued the lives of minorities. Distinctly worked to implode economic and social integration, and family cohesion so that self protection wasn’t even POSSIBLE.”
This doesn’t get said often enough. The social rejection of gay intimacy and inevitably by extenstion same sex attracted people, is responsible for creating the very problems in the gay community religious conservatives castigate us for.
Posted by: Autumn at December 16, 2005 08:36 PM
Great job, Autumn, wish I could have written that.
Timothy, you’re confusing me with this Timothy, Timothy Kincaid stuff. While you are impressive, you’re not exactly cher or madonna. I’m going to assume Timothy Kincaid is the same Timothy who occasionally scolds me when I get a little over the top.
‘Accuracy In Media’ Cliff Kincaid at it again — this time regarding Brokeback Mountain:Homosexual Propaganda FilmBy Cliff KincaidAccuracy In MediaJanuary 2, 2006
From the post
Did anyone else catch this Cliff Kincaid op-ed from the ironically named, “Accuracy in Media” news site?
“Ironically named”? What ever happened to such descriptive words as “silly,” ludicrous” or “ridiculous”?