“Straight talker” Stephen Bennett gets in the spirit of Thanksgiving on today’s show. (11.23.05 Real Audio / Windows Media)
(+7:47) Stephen: Homosexuals are desperately looking for acceptance and they will do everything and anything possible to force you to give in to them. You may do the slightest act of kindness toward them and they will immediately misconstrue that as you are giving them full approval now of their homosexuality. Let me give you a final word on this. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having your child there for the holidays, you should show that unconditional love, allow your child to be there, have the whole family together. That doesn’t mean you have to be forced by your child in having the partner come. Let your child come by himself or herself.
Urgh that man’s voice is very annoying. I cannot speak so gay.No partner by my side? Well, you can just F.O. You’ll be spending Xmas without me. I’ll be with someone who cares — even if that means doling out dinners at a charity. In fact, I think those people will be delighted to see both me and my partner.Enjoy your Xmas lunch. I’ll be spending it with deprived people who don’t give two hoots about us depraved people.If you come to your senses — we both be there.
It’s too easy when you don’t face the horror.We didn’t mean to sound dismissive.If there is anyone in Melbourne facing this situation, please do contact the XGW people and they will pass on the message to us. You are more than welcome to spend the day with our families. All you are expected to do is eat a heck of a lot of food, complain about how hot it is, and perhaps jump around on a trampoline with various children. The last demand is easily the worst to withstand after a large lunch :)Or else, we can happily recommend a few charities that are always looking for volunteers on Xmas day. You’ll find the day amazing.
As much as I love my family, the holidays can be a heck of a burdon.
Mom and Dad are great but when it gets to the super huge extended family I’m a stress case.
Luckily, this year my parents are going to spend Thanksgiving at my aunt’s house in Arizona. I’ll miss mom and dad and if I could spend Thanksgiving with just them and my sisters I’d be perfectly happy.
However, this year I’m really looking forward to finally having a holiday with people that I choose and not people that I’m obligated to visit.
You are more than welcome to spend the day with our families.
Now there’s a thought. Maybe start a holiday thing where some accepting, welcoming families can open their doors to a couple whose families are not.
I guess my partner and I are very lucky (much to Bennett’s chagrin). Before we relocated to a warmer climate, it was always a difficult choice to make, because both our families wanted both of us at the table. As a matter of fact, I can remember a few holidays where we had to have TWO holiday dinners!
The Stephen Bennetts of this world had better get used to empty chairs at their tables. But realistically, that’s what they wanted anyway.
Phil, I suspect that Bennett is doing nothing more than pulling a gig in his anti-homo rants. I haven’t heard him try to sing. If he could sing, why would he need another–um–gig?
Mr. Bennett apparently does sing and outs out records….I listened to them on his site and they aren’t bad, but not that good either!
That’s right Stephen you tell them, ostracize your own flesh and blood and make them feel as uncomfortable as possible. My parents and my husband’s parents would never dream of telling one of us to stay home on a family occasion. I thought he was promoting family, it seems like the opposite. On approval, I think Bennett is the one seeking approval here and will do just about anything to get it. Lying seems to be his best tactic. I can’t imagine where this false BS is coming from any other place but his own head. I’ve decided to end every SB post with “You Don’t Speak For Me Stephen And Irene Bennett, You Speak Only For Yourself”.
Keyboy1969 at November 23, 2005 09:00 PM
I can sing, too, but I wouldn’t embarrass myself by putting out records. Apparently Bennett believes that he needs a diversionary tactic for his bad singing.
I wonder what Steven would say if Irene were not invited to have Thanksgiving by his family…
PFLAG parents, will have their children, their children’s partners and the grandchildren thereof, home for the holidays in a healthy, inviting and cohesive situation.
PFLAG parents set up their single gay children with the gay children of their friends, hopeful that they can contribute to having their child be two halves of a couple.
PFLAG parents wouldn’t dream of conditions for their child being with them for the season or any other family intensive occasion.
PFLAG parents are teaching the younger members of the family about acceptance, unconditional love and what family really means.
I know lots of PFLAG parents and this is how their homes are during the holidays.
I don’t know any PFOX parents as well as the other set.
But…I’d say it’s a good bet which homes are more fun to be with.