Exodus expressed dismay at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s decision to allow partnered gay clergy to serve in the church.

Orlando, FL.  Exodus International, the world’s largest interdenominational ministry helping those conflicted by same-sex attraction to live a life that reflects the Christian faith, is troubled by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s vote today to allow congregations to hire clergy involved in same-sex relationships. Exodus says this is a clear move away from biblical teaching on sexuality and a disconcerting approach to this issue.

An Exodus ministry leader named Nate Oyloe presented “his personal testimony of leaving homosexuality” to the ELCA conference in Minnesota.

“In my life, homosexuality didn’t just encompass my attractions, it defined my identity. As a Christian seeking to live by and be defined by the truth of Scripture first, I concluded that I could not pursue both. I am saddened that as a result of the ELCA’s decision, others will find it harder to obtain the biblical answers and compassionate support that helped me to experience life-giving freedom.”

Another way to look at the decision would be to rejoice that people who are attracted to other people of the same sex will no longer be pressured to “change” into an “ex-gay,” and will instead be accepted and loved for who they are.

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