According to a post on his website, Pink Swastika co-author Scott Lively has learned all he can about “the homosexual movement” and will be turning his attention to other things.
With the June 17th publication of my final book on the homosexual issue, “Redeeming the Rainbow: A Christian Response to the ‘Gay’ Agenda,” I have completed 20 years of service as a front-lines opponent of the homosexual movement. “Redeeming the Rainbow,” which I have published as a free book in pdf format, encompasses all that I have learned through this long tour of duty and I believe there is little more that I could add on the issue…
Lively most recently caused a stir when he was the dominant influence in a three day conference on homosexuality in Uganda. His materials, centering around the book mentioned above, are being used by religious leaders there even now and to horrible results for GLBTs in that society. One can be arrested and jailed indefinitely simply for being gay.
In his book and the handful of venues that will invite him, Lively claims that the Nazis were an outgrowth of the gay rights movement in Germany, and that all the key leadership, including Hitler, were gay. He also claims that gays were not killed in the Holocaust, quite the reverse. Finally, he ties this in with the gay rights movement today, claiming that it will all happen again… if allowed.
During the past few weeks, Dr. Warren Throckmorton has made a thorough effort to review the facts surrounding the historical references used by Lively and his co-author, Kevin Abrahms. He is aided in the task by Jon David Wyneken, Associate Professor of History at Grove City College, who has as special focus on that period of history. They provide an outstanding, well documented dismantling of Lively’s work — details, main premise and all.
There can be no real doubt that Pink Swastika, the backbone of Lively’s claims, is built upon a bizarre mixture of half-truths and paranoid conspiracy theories. The truly incredible part of the entire mess is that people today, any people, would allow themselves to be taken in by such a bad distortion of the truth. Lively does a disservice to real history, and the blood that paid for the survival of freedom during that time.
Only time will tell if this statement is a genuine move away from this utter dead end, or if Lively simply wants that badly to have himself removed as one of only twelve gay hate groups in the country, as listed by the venerable Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Either way, we will continue to watch him.
I have a patch of that image on my jacket.
It’s a great one.
Scott Lively’s language is revealing of his self-exaltation. He says that he has “completed 20 years of service” and speaks of his “long tour of duty”. Wasn’t there an Austrian man back in the 1930’s and 1940’s who had similar delusions of grandeur?
That he’s finally hanging up his swastika is certainly gratifying news. His presence has filled a much needed gap.
Lively isn’t going to stop preaching his obfuscations and outright lies about gay people. He’s just tired, and I imagine seeing that he is too much in a negative light by even some other anti-gay groups. He hasn’t been able to effectively fight off that negativity, even though he, self-righteously proclaims:
It’s probably nothing but a ploy by Lively to hope to get the SPLC hate group moniker taken off his Abiding Truth Ministries. Likely he will recreate himself under some new banner (“Defend the Family?”) and hope the SPLC won’t notice that he’s trying to do a ‘bait and switch.’
Incidentally, good news, everyone! Gay sex has just been decriminalized in India. So perhaps countries like Uganda may eventually catch up, despite the hateful, pernicious campaigns of Lively and his like. We can but hope and pray.
It still amazes me how people like Lively thinks he knows homosexuals better than homosexuals themselves. And when telling us how to run our lives fail, they go through all sort of ways to ensure that they get to fully control us, from who we are to how we live.
I always wonder whether our opponents/enemies get tired. I’m actually gratified to see that sometimes they do. It’s obvious Lively hasn’t learned a thing, but thank the Gods anyway, even if this is only a break rather than the end of the line.
I see no indication that Lively has hung anything up — he has promised an upcoming fifth edition of the book The Pink Swastika and he has essentially declared the book to be infallible and beyond further discussion.
Instead of responding to the new criticisms of Warren Throckmorton and Jim Burroway, he is broadening his tactics of anger, envy, fear, and strawman argumentation to include other right-wing topics so as not to be perceived as someone whose spirit is consumed by idolatrous homophobia.
Don’t be silly…he’s not stupid, he’s just a shabby merchant and he knows that after his prepaid escapade before the Parliment of Uganda his “snake oil” cure/refrom-a-queer is running on low…he has little audience left and the audience he plays to doesn’t even have the stomach for the kind of junktalk he spews…the party is over, Lively sinks into the stink of his own lubricating.