• The Bloomington, IL Pantagraph examines the spectrum of opinion within Christianity on the issue of homosexuality.
  • At the blog “The Unseen Disciple,” Christian ex-gay ministries are examined to see not only if they could be called Christian, but if they could even be called “ministries.” Hat tip: TWO
  • Anna Quindlen talks about gay marriage.
  • The Christian Post continues to call it gay “marriage,” but admits that a recent study shows that the California ruling “could provide a $370 million boost to the economy over the next three years.”
  • Peterson Toscano’s Homo No Mo stage show is now available on DVD.
  • Exodus VP Randy Thomas watches Florida and California grapple with marriage equality “with a sad and contemplative heart” and declares that “we definitely need to be praying.”
  • PFLAG to greet Love Won Out attendees in Orlando with coffee, donuts and information on how to love their gay and lesbian family members.

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