• The Family Research Council is promoting their annual Values Voters Summit with an impressive photo array of 24 speakers, including senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, actress Patricia Heaton, and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Unfortunately, only 10 have confirmed they will be attending – the others have just been invited to attend, including the four mentioned. [H/T Good As You]
  • TWO: In what seems to be yet another turn from its exodus from politics, Exodus International’s Youth Activist Mike Ensley pushes an anti-Obama stance because the presumptive Democratic nominee “has indicated that he wants judges who make social policy instead of just applying the law.” Meaning, “social policy” that Mike Ensley disagrees with. For good measure, Ensley parrots criticisms of Obama’s record on crime and foreign policy, two things that have nothing to do with helping those with “unwanted same-sex attractions.”
  • The Christian Civic League of Maine has dropped its effort to repeal Maine’s anti-discrimination law.
  • Different country, same junk science and falsehoods: Paul Cameron shows up in Russia, hailed as a “renowned scientist” when speaking before the Sociology faculty of Moscow State University.
  • FOTF and FRC are dumping thousands of dollars into an anti-equality effort in CA. The AFA’s OneNewsNow puts it this way: “History has shown that what happens in California affects the rest of the country, so Prentice is calling on people to pray for victory.”
  • A conservative UK Bishop will protest the presence of pro-gay bishops at the Lambeth conference by boycotting it.

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