We’ve added a few features you may want to know about. If you have any other suggestions or requests, please email us at editor@exgaywatch.com.

  1. Scripture references in comments and posts will now automatically be hotlinked to the referenced text at BibleGateway.com (NIV default but many available).
  2. The comment editor window now has formatting buttons for easy blockquotes, bold, links, etc. Just highlight the text to format and click the button.
  3. Comments may now be edited by the commenter for up to 5 minutes after submission. This should give you time to catch any missed errors and correct them, avoiding the need for “oops, made a mistake” posts ;). The editing time limit is short to avoid changing comments while someone is already replying to them. To edit, just hover the mouse over your comment text and click anywhere. It will take on a yellow highlight if editing is still possible.
  4. An annoying CSS bug which destroyed the site format when viewing in Safari has been corrected. If you don’t think the site is displaying correctly for you, email us at the address above with details.
  5. Minor improvements to the built-in search, better results, and highlighted search keywords.
  6. Added a “Share This” link at the end of each post. If you are in the habit of posting links to any of the major social networking sites, such as Digg or StumbleUpon, you can now easily do that from this link (and help us gain readership!). It may also be used to simply email a link to someone else.
  7. ADDED: New layout for mobile devices.

That’s it for now, though we have more in the works. We hope these help make it easier to view and participate at XGW.


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