Elizabeth McClung observes that Exodus has largely abandoned its ministry to gay youths, and replaced that effort with a program to teach heterosexual antigay “Christian” teen-agers new methods of verbal peer pressure and misinformation.
McClung is scruplous in linking to specific Exodus acts of misinformation, such as:
- there are no same-sex-attracted teen-agers, only heterosexual teen-agers tempted by same-gender lust
- homosexuality can be caused by namecalling
- homosexuality is remedied by tomboys undergoing beauty-pageant makeovers
Beyond the parroting of antigay misinformation, antigay youths are encouraged to threaten gay/straight alliances that uphold freedom of speech, expression, and religion for gay and straight students alike.
While Exodus modifies its methods of hassling and politicizing youths, McClung pauses to note a recent report that antigay verbal harassment has impacted 76 percent of gay students and almost 40 percent of gay students have been physically harassed. Step by step, McClung links to each exgay organization that is battling against antibullying programs in the nation’s public and private schools, and quotes from their efforts to trivialize antigay violence.
I’ll admit I was skeptical when I read “Exodus has largely abandoned its ministry to gay youths, and replaced that effort with a program to teach heterosexual antigay “Christian” teen-agers new methods of verbal peer pressure and misinformation.”
But I just read the past few Exodus Youth newsletters and there is NOTHING in them directed to ex-gay youth. It’s all written to youth pastors and other anti-gay people battling against gay rights.
Sometimes its about ex-gays, but even that wasn’t a constant.
One really long report was from some woman who was a 15 year old church-going sex addict (no one noticed, I guess). Her advice was CLEARLY not directed to same-sex attracted people.
AMAZING!! I have to say you were totally right.
Wonderful research, and a great bookmark for the next time we hear about gays trying to “turn” kids.
It’s an industry – they aim their marketing to attract the most money.
Being one that appriciates documentation, Elizabeth McClung’s piece seems to me to adeptly document the misapplication of Biblical principles in dealing with LGBT people, and document how harmful that misapplication is to real people. I’m also amazed, Timothy, that Exodus has morphed from at least having the best of intentions in speaking to LGBT people, to spaking to a straight audience in terms of distain for LGBT people. That insight regarding Exodus speaks volumes about what’s happened to their organization.
This is why I told Chad Thompson that he’s giving credence to what straight people feel that is required of gay people.
And that peer pressure, trickling down from adults has done a great deal of harm.
There are no inherent good intentions in even suggesting a person give up their identity.
These suggestions come without qualifyers and put gay kids immediately on the defensive.
The suggestion implies that they aren’t good kids, their character is weak and that they are not as good as their straight peers, and that they are in danger or dangerous and will get no respect from ANYONE if they don’t go along with the suggestion.
This is not gentle.
Indeed, this is vicious on it’s face.
There is a lack of consideration that gay children are not trying to turn their peers gay, they just want their own identity to mature safely.
This is a serious human rights violation. Especially if no harm is done to others by this identity.
However, those who say that change is possible, ARE trying to change gay kids and forcibly if need be by changing what could be a friendly environment into a hostile one.
Ignoring what all legitimate psychological and medical peer bodies say about gay people should be illegal in educational institutions.
For example: If Jehovah’s Witnesses were allowed to take their message of not accepting blood or tissue donation into schools, and a teen refused that intervention if they were injured in a car accident…and they died.
Would the parents or teachers or others let Jehovah’s Witnesses dictate the terms of how other teens would be treated in school?
Religious beliefs cannot impede normal interaction and integration of children with their peers who can’t and don’t share that belief.
Getting along regardless, is a part of that process.
And it’s high time that this intense negative focus EXCLUSIVELY on gay youth be stopped.
This is precisely what they’re afraid of, y’all.